Viral: Couple created DNA for fun and the results changed their lives forever | the Chronicle


Donna and Vanner Johnson They are an older couple than Utah, United States, that despite their age, they continue to keep the flame of love alive and that the pleasure does not stop. It looks like this time around they got out of hand and for the first time the game pick wasn’t the best. They took a DNA test for entertainment and their lives changed dramatically. Especially that of her second son, who finally had the biggest surprise.

It turns out that through a game, the couple learned that their 12-year-old son, who was conceived in an IVF clinic through assisted fertilization, was not Vanner’s biological child. The clinic confirmed that Donna’s egg had been confused and accidentally fertilized with the sperm of a stranger, the 12-year-old creature therefore has a different identity.

It was in statements to the ABC4 network that Vanner Johnson confessed to not giving credit for what he saw. What was to end with laughter and an anecdote as a couple, ended up giving her life an unexpected turn. When he saw the test results, he couldn’t understand what he was reading: “When I looked at this page and saw Donna appearing as a mother and I as an unknown father, I thought about what they meant by unknown father, if I am her father.”, he expressed.

In 2007, the couple underwent fertility treatment after finding out they couldn’t have a second child on their own. They therefore went to the IVF clinic, where they were able to successfully conceive their second child, a real protagonist of this viral story on social networks.

According to Donna, when she took the DNA test, she realized something was wrong when the results indicated that the oldest son was just the half-brother of her youngest son. There, they realized that the creature had another identity, and they had to tell him.

Note that once they had some answers to their questions, they decided to separate the question of the love they have for their son, who will ultimately remain so for the rest of his life. The couple revealed that they told the boy the truth before locating his biological father, which luckily they were able to find and contact him. Now the couple who have the baby and the biological father are starting a possible relationship with him.


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