Virgilio Martínez: A Peruvian leader went to Los Angeles to wear piranhas | news


Peruvian chef Virgilio Martínez, considered the best chef in the world in 2017, was held for about five hours at the Los Angeles airport in the United States for transporting 40 frozen piranhas among his belongings.

The Peruvian chef, owner of Central, his award-winning restaurant, arrived in Los Angeles last week to participate in the festival Los Angeles Times Food Bowl.

When he crossed the customs checkpoint, the agents asked him what he was carrying in his luggage and he replied laughing "bone and meat".

According to the note that published Los Angeles TimesMartinez explained to the officers that he would prepare a special dinner for a friend that he respects and that he should show cookbooks and photos so that he can understand what he is saying. he wanted to prepare with the piranhas.

Due to the delay in the airport, the chef who appears in the third season of Netflix's "Chef Mesa" has been able to attend one of his gastronomic engagements, but in the Somni , where he dried the skins of piranha He served on piranha heads.

"I told Somni dinners that I had spent five hours for you, so you'd better appreciate it," the newspaper concludes.

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– Agencia Andina (@Agencia_Andina) May 9, 2019


Posted: 09/05/2019

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