Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-a resurrect the "historic ties" at their summit in Vladivostok


The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and the head of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kim Jong-un, they began their first summit on Russki Island, near Vladivostok, in the Russian Far East. Putin welcomed his guest on the campus of the Federal University of the Far East (DVFU), at the entrance of the building where the meeting will be held at the highest level. "Thank you for coming," said the Russian president after shaking Kim's hand.

The Russian President expressed the hope that the meeting would contribute to solving the nuclear problem of the Korean Peninsula in a positive way. "I am sure that his visit to Russia will contribute to the development of bilateral relations and will enable us to better understand what are the means of normalizing the situation on the Korean peninsula, what we can do together and what Russia could do to support the positive processes taking place today, "he said, according to the Russian agency Sputnik.

Relations between Pyongyang and Moscow date back to the Soviet era. The USSR placed in power the grandfather of Kim Jong Un and the founder of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kim Il Sung, and provided crucial support during the Cold War.

Putin also appreciated Pyongyang's efforts in recent months to ensure relaxation in Korea. "Of course, we welcome your efforts to promote inter-Korean dialogue and normalize relations between North Korea and the United States," he said. He added that Russia wanted to "support positive trends" in the Korean Peninsula, a theater of spectacular relaxation since the beginning of 2018, and strengthen economic relations with Pyongyang.

"I'm sure your visit to Russia today will help to better understand how we can solve the situation on the Korean peninsula and what Russia can do to support the positive trends that are currently manifesting, "said Putin. Bilaterally, we have a lot to do to develop our economic relations, "he added.

For his part, Kim Jong-un thanked Putin for the invitation and said he was confident that the talks would be substantive and allow the parties to have an exchange of views on the situation in Korea. "I would like to thank you, Mr President, for inviting me and for having found the time to visit me despite the fact that he is extremely busy, as well as having a good time. have traveled thousands of miles to come from Moscow and meet me here, "he said.

Kim also expressed hope that the meeting would help strengthen the traditionally friendly and deep relations between North Korea and Russia. "I think this meeting will be very useful in developing the historical ties between the two countries, which have a lasting friendship, and turn them into a more stable and solid relationship," Kim said at the beginning of their meeting, adding: expect a "constructive dialogue" on the situation on the Korean peninsula.

A declaration or agreements should not be signed at the summit, the first at this level between the two countries since the 2011 meeting between Kim Jong Il and the former president and current Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The father of the current North Korean leader said on this occasion that he was ready to give up the nuclear tests. But Kim Jong-un presided over four nuclear tests and the launch of intercontinental missiles capable of reaching the continental United States.

After years of increased tension from Pyongyang's nuclear and ballistic programs, Kim has met with Chinese President Xi Jinping four times since March 2018, three with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and two others with the Chinese president. Trump. In Hanoi, North Korea has tried to get a reduction in the international sanctions applied to force it to give up its atomic weapons. But talks ended earlier than expected because of deep disagreements with Washington, especially about the concessions Pyongyang was willing to make.

Moscow advocates a dialogue with Pyongyang on the basis of a road map set by China and Russia, a country that has already called for the withdrawal of international sanctions, while the United States accuses it of stalling. have helped North Korea to avoid them. "Some Western countries claim world leadership, shamelessly flout the rules and principles of international law, practice blackmail, sanctions and pressure and try to impose their values ​​and ideals on entire countries and populations. ", criticized Vladimir Putin. interview at Daily People.

Vladivostok, window of Russia to the Far East and seat of the summit of Kim and Putin



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