Vladimir Putin wants to launch an Arctic surveillance system before the end of the year


Vladimir Putin wants to launch an Arctic surveillance system before the end of the year (PHOTO: REUTERS)
Vladimir Putin wants to launch an Arctic surveillance system before the end of the year (PHOTO: REUTERS)

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday announced his intention to launch a permafrost monitoring system before the end of the year.

“The Arctic has a big impact on the global climate. It is important for us to understand and anticipate the processes that take place there. And that requires a reliable base, precise scientific data and forecasts, ”he said during his speech at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, in the Far East.

In this direction, called for “accelerating the creation of a national system for monitoring the state of permafrost, finalize the preparation of a regulatory framework for its launch before the end of the year, ”he said.

The head of the Kremlin recalled that Russia currently chairs the Arctic Council, also made up of Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States.

Thawing permafrost could significantly increase the concentration of greenhouse gases (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)
Thawing permafrost could significantly increase the concentration of greenhouse gases (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)

“I propose organize an international expedition to the high latitudes of the Arctic. The base of the expedition will be the North Pole Drift Science Station, equipped with all the necessary equipment, ”he said.

Explained that the station itself will be located on a single ice-resistant platform. It is currently under construction in St. Petersburg and will be commissioned in the coming months.

Russian president too requested the creation of green hydrogen and ammonia production centers to be studied in the Far East and the possibility of involving foreign partners, mainly Japan and China, in this project.

“With other industrial projects in the Far East, there is an opportunity to create a powerful industrial pole for the production of green hydrogen and ammonia, whose demand will grow steadily for decades, especially here in the Asia-Pacific region, ”he said.

Russia has offered to organize an international expedition to the high latitudes of the Arctic to assess its situation (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)
Russia has offered to organize an international expedition to the high latitudes of the Arctic to assess its situation (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)

“Sure, The implementation of these plans will require the development and implementation of innovative technological solutions in the field of transport, energy and other industries. And this is a serious challenge for our economy and our science, ”he added.

“I ask the government to discuss all aspects of setting up a green hydrogen and ammonia production center in the Far East, including the feasibility of such a project and the participation of foreign partners, mainly from Japan and China, ”Putin said.

In turn, Putin argued that He plans to discuss with members of his regime in October the creation of a national system for the regulation and circulation of carbon quotas.

Putin recalled that the island of Sakhalin has already become a pilot project to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

According to this project, Sakhalin will achieve carbon neutrality in 2026.

In fgeneral, the Russian regime should constitute the entire regulatory framework for the implementation of climate projects in Russia and the circulation of carbon units by July 2022, he said.

(With information from EFE)

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