Vladimir Putin’s unusual praise for Joe Biden after the Geneva summit: “He is very professional and doesn’t miss a thing”


Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with participants of a course in public administration in Moscow.  (Sputnik / Alexei Nikolsky / Kremlin via REUTERS)
Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with participants of a course in public administration in Moscow. (Sputnik / Alexei Nikolsky / Kremlin via REUTERS)

The Russian President, Vladimir Putin said he was ready on Thursday to continue talks with the United States if their leaders so wished., a day after the first summit with his counterpart Joe biden, in Geneva.

“We are ready to move forward with the dialogue, as long as the American side does too”, he said, in comments broadcast on television.

Speaking about his meeting with Biden, the Russian president noted that “We have been able to understand and understand our positions on key issues. They are very different in many ways “, He said.

“At the same time, we have identified those directions or points where we can talk about a possible convergence of positions in the future.Putin added. The President pointed out that “There are things that are of top priority and of interest to both us and the United States.”

Putin added that his American counterpart it looked like a “professional” with whom “You have to work very carefully so that you don’t miss a thing.”

He knows what he wants to accomplish and does it very skillfully, it shows quickly

He also responded to a asks about Biden’s cognitive abilities, to whom some detractors reproach him for his advanced age (78 years).

“Nothing escapes him, I guarantee it”, He said.

“He knows what he wants to accomplish and he does it very skillfully, you can see it quickly. But at the same time, the atmosphere was quite friendly. “he added.

US President Joe Biden greets his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin (REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque)
US President Joe Biden greets his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin (REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque)

On the contrary, he criticized the spokesperson for the American president, Jen Psaki.

“Your press officer is an educated and pretty young woman, but she keeps mixing everything up. It’s not that she is uneducated or that she has a bad memory, but simply when people think something is secondary they just ignore it. “, he claimed.

“Americans believe that there is nothing more important than themselves, it is their style”He continued.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.  (REUTERS / Léa Millis)
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. (REUTERS / Léa Millis)

“I really hope it’s not like in previous years, since [el presidente estadounidense Joe Biden] you will be allowed to work in peace ”, Putin said.

The first summit between Putin and Biden on Wednesday in Geneva was described as “constructive” by the Russian president and “positive” by the American., who were seeking relaxation in their bilateral relations.

One of the most remarkable concrete results of the summit is the start of a dialogue on strategic security, including disarmament issues, and the return of the ambassadors of the two countries to their posts.

The spokesperson for Russian diplomacy, Maria zajarova, announced Thursday that the Ambassador Anatoly Antonov will return to Washington next week.


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