Vocera clarified that the invitation to McCartney's concert would be paid by the president


Government spokeswoman Cecilia Perez explained how the invitation made by President Sebastián Piñera to his ministers on the cabinet committee will be financed for Paul McCartney's concert to be held next week in Santiago. .

Although, initially, it was alleged that the tickets came from the Ministry of Sports, Cecilia Perez said that the concert would take place at the national stadium.

"After hard work, as you've seen in 2018, prepare and perfect the engines for 2019, the boss invites us and the boss pays, and we are extremely grateful and happy to have the opportunity, if our agenda permits. next Wednesday, to watch the tremendous attack of Paul McCartney, "said the spokeswoman to the press.

In addition, stressed that most ministers have "many coincidences: adhere to the principles of freedom of center-right, democracy, progress, justice and be the majority of fans of Paul McCartney," reports La Tercera.

Agency One.


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