Volkswagen recognizes problems with Polo and Virtus in Brazil


Users of the Volkswagen Polo and Virtus models in Brazil reported problems with the coolant by the country's neighbor as a key element in maintaining the engine temperature at the appropriate levels.

According to what was stated by the owners of this model in Quatro Rodas, the Polo and Virtus refrigerant is consumed faster than it should . In addition, this causes "bubbles" of water in the panel and leaks in the cabin. There are at least 50 people affected.

  The problems of Polo and Brazilian Virtus have been reported in the 1.0 turbo versions.
The problems in the Brazilian Polo and Virtus have been reported in the 1.0 turbo versions.

Brazilian Camila Minetto, user of a Polo 2017, revealed that after six days of use "the driver's side mat was soaked" . For this reason, "today, the body and rails of the seat have rust spots," he lamented.

Do you have to worry about those who bought a Polo or a Virtus in Argentina? No, at least for the moment. The reported disadvantage in Brazil only appeared in versions with 1.0 liter turbo engine. This mechanic is not available locally.

Although several users of the neighboring country reported that the concessionaire had not offered them a solution Volkswagen Brazil badured, before the consultation of Quatro Rodas, that "all the customers who were looking for attention in the network were badisted and vehicles delivered under normal conditions ".

  The 1.0-liter turbo engine is not sold in the Polo and Virtus of Argentina. For now, local users do not have to worry.
The 1.0-liter turbo engine is not sold in the Polo and Virtus of Argentina. For now, local users do not have to worry.

"In some units of the Polo and Virtus models the presence of air bubbles in the cooling system has been identified, these bubbles can generate noise and, under normal vehicle use, tend to disappear, with a possible reduction in the level of coolant in the tank, "said Volkswagen.

Beyond that, the German mark pointed out that "there is no risk to the use of vehicles" as they are equipped with a sensor of coolant level that issues an alert in the instruments if it is found below the recommended limit.

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