Vote in Peru: Keiko Fujimori did not admit defeat to Pedro Castillo but said he will respect the decision of the electoral justice


Keiko Fujimori before testifying in a corruption case (Photo: Reuters)
Keiko Fujimori before testifying in a corruption case (Photo: Reuters)

The right-wing Peruvian candidate Keiko Fujimori announced on Monday that he will recognize the results of the presidential election who confronted her on June 6 with the leftists Pedro Castillo and they will be proclaimed in the coming hours by the National Election Jury (JNE).

“Today, I am announcing that to fulfill my commitments made with all Peruvians … I recognize the results, because this is what the law and the Constitution require that I have sworn to stand up forFujimori said during a press presentation.

The candidate noted that she will accept the official proclamation despite the fact that, in her opinion, and without presenting any evidence, the results are “”illegitimate“Because they” discovered something that is already beyond reproach: Peru Libre (Castillo’s party) stole thousands of votes from us on election day. “

Fujimori made this statement shortly after JNE confirmed that this week he will proclaim and present his credentials to the next president of Peru, which according to the official count will be Castillo after earning a little more 44,000 votes of difference.

Far from verifying complaints, many hypotheses affected by this fraud have come out publicly to deny Fujimori and to reaffirm that the signatures of the electoral registers were his. At the same time, the legitimacy of the Peruvian elections has been endorsed by organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS) and the European Union (EU), as well as by the governments of the United States and Canada, among other countries and multilateral institutions.

Castillo awaits his imminent proclamation

File photo of Pedro Castillo (Photo: Reuters)
File photo of Pedro Castillo (Photo: Reuters)

The official proclamation of Pedro Castillo as Peru’s elected president imminent after electoral juries took a month and a half to process and dismiss over a thousand appeals and protests from the right-wing Keiko Fujimori.

In the absence of a short week for the presidential change, the National Election Jury (JNE) declared on Monday unfounded the last five resources presented by Fuerza Popular, Fujimori’s party, which has so far blocked the official election results.

The JNE plenary session now has for the first time a free and unhindered way to process the submitted results for each of the 60 special juries that make up the Peruvian electoral system, which is expected to happen in the next few hours.

In their resolution, they are likely to ratify the results of the control carried out by the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), where Castillo got 50.12% of the valid votes, with a narrow margin of just 44,000 votes over his rival.

This small advantage was used by the Peruvian right to accentuate the polarization of the electoral campaign and lead the country towards a unprecedented tension faced with his refusal to admit the results, including exhortations to the armed forces to disobey Castillo, which in practice would be a coup.

(With information from EFE)


Read on:

Vote in Peru: they rejected Keiko Fujimori’s last demands and Pedro Castillo’s path to the Presidency is paved

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