Vote in Peru: the electoral jury has not yet defined the winner but Pedro Castillo has already promised to change the Constitution


Supporters of Peru's presidential candidate Pedro Castillo gather in front of the national election jury (Photo: REUTERS / Ángela Ponce)
Supporters of Peru’s presidential candidate Pedro Castillo rally in front of the national election jury (Photo: REUTERS / Ángela Ponce)

The National Jury of Elections (JNE) of Peru estimated that Before July 15, the winner of the presidential elections could finally be proclaimed, whose second round took place on June 6.

Entity spokesperson Luis Alberto Sánchez confirmed that the remaining 243 appeals are already under consideration and that the said work will proceed “until it is completed as soon as possible and the matter is referred to the first instance”.

In statements at the station RPP, Sánchez said the projection was made taking into account “the number of quashing motions that were presented at first instance and the number that were appealed afterwards.” “This is an unusual amount, unprecedented in recent electoral processes”he added.

Archive image of a session of the National Election Jury of Peru
Archive image of a session of the National Election Jury of Peru

“You have to do a rough calculation of what is pending so that you can have an approximate date when the results could be announced and have the general minutes,” he said.

In this sense, he explained that 370 appeals were filed, but only 270 were brought before the JNE. “The JNE plenary has already reviewed the files and will continue in the coming days until all loading is completed as soon as possible and returns to the first instance to take the corresponding course,” Sánchez said.

Castillo promised to change the constitution

Peruvian presidential candidate Pedro Castillo.  EFE / Paolo Aguilar / Archives
Peruvian presidential candidate Pedro Castillo. EFE / Paolo Aguilar / Archives

Pedro Castillo, the candidate who, according to the ONPE, obtained the most votes in the ballot a few weeks ago, already acts as president-elect and has promised to change the constitution.

In an event with union leaders from the Rímac district, Castillo said: “When we come to power, we will not be deaf or dumb, as we have always criticized. Therefore, on July 28, launching the message to the nation, we are going to submit to Congress the first request of the people: that it immediately program the installation of the National Constituent Assembly to draft the first Constitution of the people ”.

During the campaign, Castillo had assured that he would not touch Magna Carta. “We will be respectful of this Constitution and its institutions until the people decide.”he had said in June.

In this regard, Castillo considered that “You have to make a decent Constitution. Let us return to our provinces so that the farmer, the trader, the teacher, among others, participate in the convocation. The fight has only just begun. Peru needs structural change ”.

“This Constitution must be changed because the people did not. We must have a Constitution with the smell, the color and the flavor of the people. It is not necessary to make a Constitution with so many articles and chapters. Faced with this, that all sectors have the possibility and be heard. I ask you to be vigilant towards the Government. We are not going to fail it since we have a whole agenda ”, he concluded.

Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori, accompanied by second vice presidential candidate Patricia Juarez, leaves the government palace after delivering a letter requesting an international audit of the vote, in Lima, Peru, June 28, 2021. REUTERS / Angela Ponce
Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori, accompanied by second vice presidential candidate Patricia Juarez, leaves the government palace after delivering a letter requesting an international audit of the vote, in Lima, Peru, June 28, 2021. REUTERS / Angela Ponce

Peru is waiting to meet its next president, after the disputed second round of June 6, which left Pedro Castillo with 50.12% of the vote, before the option represented by Keiko Fujimori, who with 49.87% of the vote demanded the annulment of the minutes.

Last Monday Keiko Fujimori asked the President of Peru, Francisco Sagasti, to request an international audit on the presidential election. “The request made to the president is to call on international experts, how it was done in Bolivia “He told reporters after delivering a letter with his request to the Peruvian executive headquarters.

The candidate later read the contents of the letter where she told Sagasti that “Please demand that international organizations carry out an election audit.”

Presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori (Photo: REUTERS / Sebastian Castañeda)
Presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori (Photo: REUTERS / Sebastian Castañeda)

The goal, noted Fujimori, is that “an independent entity can examine the electoral lists, the voting records, the voters lists, the computer system used, among others, and determine whether the results processed and recorded by the Organization of Electoral Processes (ONPE) represent a faithful reflection of the popular will ”.

Fujimori alleges suspected election fraud, but Observers from the OAS, the United States and the European Union said the elections were fair and supported the work of the ONPE and the National Electoral Jury (JNE).

Allies of the candidate said they hoped to finalize the audit through the OAS. However, diplomatic sources consulted by the agency AFP indicated that the persons authorized to make a request to the OAS are “The executive branch of Peru or the JNE, not a group of citizens.”

Peru has lived for three weeks in permanent tension because the JNE has yet to finish reviewing the issues of thousands of voices presented by Fujimori before proclaiming the winner.

The fujimoristas began their demands on the third day of the poll, when Castillo reversed the initial advantage his candidate had until then. In the protests, Fujimori supporters shout “New elections», While supporters of Castillo demand that he be proclaimed the winner.

(With information from EuropaPress and AFP)


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