Vote in Peru: they rejected Keiko Fujimori’s last demands and Pedro Castillo’s path to the Presidency is paved


File photo of Pedro Castillo in front of his supporters at his party headquarters in Lima (Photo: REUTERS)
File photo of Pedro Castillo in front of his supporters at his party headquarters in Lima (Photo: REUTERS)

The official proclamation of Pedro Castillo as elected president of Peru this is imminent after the electoral juries took a month and a half to process and dismiss over a thousand appeals and protests from the right-wing Keiko Fujimori, who persists in denouncing without proof a guess fraud”.

In the absence of a rare week for the presidential change, the National election jury (JNE) said on Monday unfounded the last five appeals presented by Fuerza Popular, Fujimori’s party, which hitherto prevented the official results of the elections.

This has been confirmed to the agency EFE sources JNE, whose plenary session held for the first time highway Yes unhindered in order to process the results submitted by each of the 60 special juries that make up the Peruvian electoral system.

Supporters of Peruvian presidential candidate Pedro Castillo rally in Lima (Photo: Reuters)
Supporters of Peruvian presidential candidate Pedro Castillo rally in Lima (Photo: Reuters)

In their resolution, they are likely to ratify the results of the control carried out by the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), where Castillo got the 50.12% valid votes, with a narrow margin of only 44,000 votes on his rival.

This little advantage has been used by the Peruvian right to accentuate the polarization of the electoral campaign and lead the country to a unprecedented tension given his refusal to admit the results, including exhortations to the armed forces to disobey Castillo.

During this period there were demonstrations, especially in the capital, sometimes violent like when last weekend a group of Fujimori supporters wanted to arrive at the government palace in Lima, in the midst of the presidential candidate’s pulse with the electoral bodies.

Keiko Fujimori (i) and Pedro Castillo greet each other during a debate on April 28 (Photo: EFE)
Keiko Fujimori (i) and Pedro Castillo greet each other during a debate on April 28 (Photo: EFE)

As the ballot is already anticipated the day after the vote, its third consecutive defeat In a presidential election, the daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000), who was accused of more than 30 years in prison for alleged money laundering, he claimed “systematic fraud”.

In a strategy very similar to that used by Donald trump in the last presidential elections of United States, Fujimori tried to overturn around 200,000 votes from the Andean, rural and poor regions where Castillo had garnered overwhelming support, mainly from alleged false signatures that he was never able to prove.

Far from verifying the complaints, many hypotheses affected by this fraud have been publicly released to deny Fujimori and reaffirm that the signatures of the electoral records were his own. At the same time, the legitimacy of the Peruvian elections has been endorsed by organizations such as the Organization of American States (OEA) and the European Union (EU), as well as by the governments of United States Yes Canada, among other countries and multilateral institutions.

Hermetic castle

Castillo supporters in Lima (Photo: Reuters)
Castillo supporters in Lima (Photo: Reuters)

Although not having the official proclamation, Castillo immediately began to see himself as the winner of the elections and act as president-elect. with meetings with various political leaders, businessmen and diplomatic delegations from countries such as China, But without publicly declaring the journalists.

As he did in the final stages of his election campaign, Castillo was hermetic and did not grant interviews beyond one short statement in front of the foreign press where there was no possibility to ask questions.

Without official proclamation, the official transfer the administration now headed by the interim president, Francisco sagasti, focused on acceleration vaccination and ensure the supply of COVID-19 vaccines until the end of the year.

This means that Castillo and his team They will have barely a week to take the reins of the state before the presidential scarf hangs from the shoulder on July 28, the very day the country will commemorate the 200 years of their independence.

Prime Minister, the great unknown

Pedro Castillo in Cajamarca (Photo: Bloomberg)
Pedro Castillo in Cajamarca (Photo: Bloomberg)

For now, the professor from the Andean region of northern Cajamarca said that he will not anticipate the names of those who will be his ministers until the long-awaited JNE nomination arrives, after in the last hours the rumors with several names started.

They are transcended and speculation. After the proclamation of the JNE, we will make the corresponding official announcements for the government of the BicentenaryCastillo wrote on social media.

Among the names ringing to join the Council of Ministers are the economist Pedro Francké and the doctor Hernando Cevallos respectively for the Economy and Health portfolios, but the main unknown is the Prime Minister.

The former congressman’s name came out on Sunday Roger najar, head of the Peruvian government plan Free and close to the controversial Vladimir cerron, leader of the party which declares itself a Marxist and which is condemned for corruption when it was governor of the region of Junín.

(With information from EFE)

Read on:

A month and a half after the poll in Peru, the electoral authorities will proclaim the president on July 20

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