Vote in Peru: United States urged to allow “time for electoral authorities to process and publish results”


FILE PHOTO: Peruvian presidential candidates Pedro Castillo and Keiko Fujimori, who face each other in the second round, after signing a "Pact for Democracy", in Lima, Peru, on May 17, 2021. REUTERS / Sebastian Castaneda /
FILE PHOTO: Peruvian presidential candidates Pedro Castillo and Keiko Fujimori, who face off in the second round after signing a “Pact for Democracy” in Lima, Peru, May 17, 2021. REUTERS / Sebastian Castaneda /

United States maintains that the electoral authorities of Peru take their time to process and publish the results of the presidential elections in which a winner has yet to be declared, the State Department spokesman said on Tuesday, Ned Prize.

“We commend the Peruvian authorities for safely administering another round of free, fair, accessible and peaceful elections, even amid the significant challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. These recent elections are a model of democracy in the region. We are in favor of the electoral authorities having the time to process and publish the results in accordance with Peruvian law.Price said in a statement.

The spokesperson also said the United States looked forward to continuing its “important“Relationship with Peru once the authorities have confirmed the winning candidate in the elections.

“Our two nations share a deep friendship rooted in the same fundamental values. The Cooperation between the United States and Peru over the years has improved health, living standards, safety, and environmental protection across the country. The United States looks forward to continuing this important partnership with the candidate duly chosen by the Peruvian people, as confirmed by the country’s electoral authorities.“Price said.

Fujimori asks for access to electoral rolls to “verify” suspected fraud

Keiko Fujimori leaves court where it was decided she should not return to prison while she is under investigation for Peru's Odebrecht case (Photo: Reuters)
Keiko Fujimori leaves court where it was decided she should not return to prison while she is under investigation for Peru’s Odebrecht case (Photo: Reuters)

The Peruvian candidate Keiko Fujimori presented this Tuesday a habeas data ordinance to the Judiciary so that the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) issues the lists of voters for “Check” the suspected irregularities that his party denounced before the electoral juries.

Fujimori shared on social media the appeal filed with the Eleventh Constitutional Court in Lima, where the Fujimori Fuerza Popular group asks the judge to order the ONPE a copy of the electoral lists by polling station signed and used during the second round of the elections on June 6.

With this new legal offensive, the daughter and political heiress of the former president Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000) has been looking to find evidence to support the alleged electoral fraud he is exposing since on election night it became clear he was going to lose the ballot to leftist Pedro Castillo.

It is the right of millions of Peruvians to access the voters list by polling station to check all irregularities that we denounced before the National Election Jury (JNE), ”the right-wing candidate wrote on Twitter.

In the picture, Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary General Luis Almagro (Photo: EFE / Lenin Nolly)
In the picture, Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary General Luis Almagro (Photo: EFE / Lenin Nolly)

A winner has not yet been declared because the electoral juries are resolve annulment requests and appeals presented mainly by candidate Keiko Fujimori’s party.

With close scrutiny, leftist candidate Pedro Castillo is the virtual president-elect, having overtaken Fujimori by just 44,000 votes. with 50.12% of the preferences against 49.87% of the right-wing candidate.

However, Fujimori demanded the cancellation of some 200,000 votes from rural, Andean and poor areas where Castillo won an overwhelming majority, as, according to his perception, there are indications of a systematic fraud committed by his rival at the tables. vote, with forged signatures among other alleged irregularities.

So far no complaint has been declared founded by the electoral juries, while the election observation missions they have discarded the possibility of fraud not detect serious irregularities, such as the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Union of Electoral Organizations (Uniore).

This was corroborated by a analysis of electoral files conducted by the sounder Ipsos when it has determined that there is no evidence of “Systematic fraud” at the ballot box as Fujimori suggests.

(With information from EFE)

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