Voters exempt from coronavirus measures for elections in Peru – Telam


Sunday there will be elections in Peru

Sunday there will be elections in Peru

The national government dispensed this Friday from compliance with the new measures aimed at mitigating the contagion of the coronavirus to voters and staff affected by the elections corresponding to the general elections of Peru, which will be held on Sunday, on the national territory.

<< Exceptions to the prohibitions provided for in Article 16 of Decree No. 235 of April 8, 2021 to voters and staff affected by the elections corresponding to the general elections of the Republic of Peru, which will be held on the territory of the Argentine Republic in April 11, 2021 ", indicates administrative decision 345/2021, published in the Official Journal.

The decision is taken “for the sole purpose of their participation in the said electoral act, including the previous and subsequent activities required for the elaboration of the aforementioned electoral act”, adds the text signed by the chief of staff, Santiago Cafiero and the minister. of Health, Carla Vizzotti.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Peru to the Argentine Republic made a presentation with the logistical and organizational details of the electoral law in our country.

In the recitals, the authorities recall that “ by Decree No. 235/21, general preventive measures and local and targeted containment provisions have been established, on the basis of scientific evidence and epidemiological dynamics, to which any person must comply, in order to mitigate the spread. SARS-CoV-2 virus and its impact on health, until April 30, 2021 inclusive ”.

While stressing that “ the Peruvian Embassy has asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship for the authorization of the Argentine Government to hold the corresponding elections< pour >> take place in the polling stations of various Argentinian cities, by the vote of the citizens. Peruvians and Peruvian citizens residing in Argentine territory “.

In the meantime, “the Ambassador of the Republic of Peru in the Argentine Republic made a presentation with the logistical and organizational details of the electoral act in our country and accompanied the draft of” Health security protocol for the general elections of Peru 2021 “.

Travel in the public passenger transport service of persons covered by this measure must be limited to strict compliance with the excluded activities.

For these reasons, the authorities conclude that the “Sanitary Security Protocol for the General Elections of Peru 2021”, prepared by the said State and authorized by the Ministry of Health, has been approved.

Travel in the public passenger transport service of persons covered by this measure must be limited to strict compliance with the excluded activities.

Those affected by the measure must process the “Single Activation Certificate for Traffic – COVID-19 Emergency”, in a specific field called “External vote”, activated in the link: https: //www.argentina.gob. ar / interior / migrations / foreigners / vote.

Hold a general election tomorrow with the sole certainty that the presidency will be resolved in the second round, within two months, and with the unprecedented unknown of who will cast the ballot, for which the latest voting intention polls have shown in the race. between six and seven candidates out of the 18 in contention.


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