VOX celebrated the conquest of Mexico, five centuries after the fall of Tenochtitlán | Spanish far-right party provoked via Twitter


VOX, the far right party in Spain, gave the note this Friday by glorifying the fall of Tenochtitlán, one of the milestones of the Spanish conquest. “Spain has succeeded in freeing millions of people from the bloodthirsty and terrorist regime of the Aztecs”reads the tweet which praises the end of the power of the Aztecs in Mexico and notes that the Spanish ultra-rightists are “proud of our history”.

On August 13, 1521, Hernán Cortés succeeded in ceding the capital of the Aztecs, which had been under siege since May of the same year. The Mexican conqueror arrived in November 1519. Emperor Moctezuma then received him as if he were the reincarnation of the god Quetazlcoátl. On June 30, 1520, the Spaniards were expelled from Tenochtitlán by the forces of Emperor Cuitláhuac and lost their gold booty. Legend has it that Cortés mourned this defeat and that made the episode go down in history as the Sad night. Between, the Spaniards had brought smallpox to America, which decimated the Aztecs.

Almost a year after La Noche Triste, after reinforcing his troops, Cortés began the siege of Tenochtitlán, marked in recent days by the fact that the Spaniards cut off access to water until the capitulation there is. exactly five centuries. The siege lasted 73 days and Cortés added other indigenous peoples to his cause under the common denominator of hatred of the Aztecs. The conquerors plunged the inhabitants of present-day Mexico into slavery, they imposed the Catholic religion by force and the Inquisition He reigned on American soil.

VOX became the first openly far-right force to gain parliamentary representation in democratic Spain since the death of Francisco Franco. Born as an ultra-conservative split from the Popular Party, it is against European integration, immigration, the rights of sexual minorities, the decriminalization of abortion and the reparation of the victims of Francoism. In recent days, the daily Public revealed that the party led by Santiago Abascal has received funding from large fortunes in Spain from two platforms, Hazte Oir and CitizenGo.

We also know that VOX has ties to an ultra-conservative Catholic group in Mexico, El Yunque, whose Yo Influyo platform was interested, through various texts, in the development of the Abascal party. VOX and El Yunque share a similar view of Mexico’s conquest, as evidenced by the Spaniards in their tweet.

At the same time, this Friday, on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the conquest of the Aztecs, indigenous and Zapatista communities settled down and visiting Spain organized a first meeting in Madrid entitled “We were not conquered”, in the occasion of the date.

“I find it offensive to revert to the old controversy that the natives of Mesoamerica were barbarians,” the president said. Andrés Manuel López Obrador talk today in Mexico about the anniversary. The president admitted that “the idea that Moctezuma was a tyrant may be true” and that “Cortés should not be seen as a demon either, he was simply a man of power”, to be later adamant in his critique of the conquest.

“Did they bring civilization to the land Cortés called New Spain? Were so many deaths worth it? So many people shaved, looted and burnt? So many raped women? So many atrocities ordered by Cortés himself? “There is no justification for such a terrible calamity. The answer is a categorical no ”.

López Obrador had already had a crossover with VOX in November 2019. “The conqueror Hernán Cortés barely landed in Veracruz and without any legal basis, as it can be proven, there was no legal basis, he named himself mayor, it was the first fraud “said the president. On Twitter, VOX called him “mediocre with pretense” for his criticism of the Conqueror.


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