VOX forced Pablo Iglesias to drop a debate r …


Candidates from the Community of Madrid starred in a truncated debate in which far-right Rocío Monasterio (VOX) questioned the veracity of the death threats against United We Can leader Pablo Iglesias. This, indignant, left the debate, in a gesture imitated by the socialist Ángel Gabilondo and Mónica García, candidate of Más Madrid.

Iglesias and Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska received envelopes with bullets inside, prompting rejection from the political leadership. Except for VOX. Monasterio not only said he doubted the veracity, but also criticized Iglesias for not showing solidarity with the far right for the incidents during an act in the district of Vallecas.

“It is not acceptable for Ms Monasterio to question what happened; if she does not recant, we will drop the debate,” Iglesias said. Monasterio was thoroughly: “I encourage you to go and denounce these threats. We do not believe anything. And if you want, get out, that’s what many Spaniards want.”

The debate moderator tried to stop the United frontman We Can, but was unable to. “I’m glad he’s going, that’s what a lot of Spaniards want, the offside is where it needs to be,” added Monasterio.

Immediately after, Gabilondo and García invited Iglesias. The debate was not followed by the candidate of the PP and president of the regional government, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

“What happened this morning is extremely serious,” they said, and called on citizens to “overcome hatred at the polls” in the May 4 elections.

It didn’t stop there. On social media, VOX bragged about what happened:

In the wake of this tweet, identical messages emerged from suspected United Podemos voters who expressed their support for the far-right party: left to far right non-stop.

Even a user with the name of Falange and the symbolism of this force emerged, who bluntly repeated, like the others, that “I have been voting on the left since I was 18”.

García joined the rejection on Twitter and defined what happened as “intolerable”.

The rating was given by the People’s Party, which could count on VOX deputies to form a government. The Conservatives did not send their candidate to the debate, but they gave their opinion with a provocative tweet.

A little later, the PP of Madrid deleted the message. “If it was put, it will have been to say that in the debates it is good to be there, and when they will have discovered the reason why he left they will have deleted it because not to condemn this type of aggression is very serious, ”said the head of the PP, Pablo Casado, when they consulted him for this tweet.


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