Vox: who is Santiago Abascal, the charismatic politician who has Spain in suspense


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In the polls in Spain, none of the five candidates will force the majority of parliamentarians to form a government, and finally give a solid path to the Spanish government, which has been experiencing all kinds of fluctuations and political uncertainty that has already taken the government by storm for four years. City. In the last four years, three elections. In addition, it presents a very marked political paralysis, typical of European countries at this moment in history.

Fifteen years ago, there were two parties: the Socialist Workers Party and the People's Party. Today, Spanish bipartisanship has disappeared, one of the great examples of global bipartisanship. On the other hand, there are five candidates.

In the first place, Pedro Sánchez, PSOE, currently head of the Spanish government. A man who arrived at the top of the Socialist Party and then at the top was very improbable, because no one had ever given him two pesos. He was perceived as a pretty face without his own speech, but he made his way into socialism with great determination. He came to the government a year ago and faces a completely fragmented vision.

The one who has always been the rival of the PSOE, the People's Party, center-right, led until last year by Mariano Rajoy, is now led by Pablo Casado. This is a young man from the new conservative guard who throws the party far to the right. He is an heir to José María Aznar, arrives with a very conservative speech. He says: "Mariano Rajoy split the game, he dismembered it, with a speech that was nothing, he was just going to maintain power, there was no identity . " Pablo Casado means: we are the right and with pride.

Albert Rivera, from the Ciudadanos party, says that the Popular Party has stayed in the story, that a more modern right is needed, and that is how Albert Rivera emerged and kidnapped votes to the Popular Party, which allows Pedro Sánchez to be the head of the government today. .

Santiago Abascal, the presidential candidate of Vox
Santiago Abascal, the presidential candidate of Vox Source: AFP – Credit: CRISTINA QUICLER

Pablo Iglesias, of Podemos, became the young star of Spanish politics at the beginning of this decade, due to fascinating rhetoric. He had his hour of electoral glory, but then he declined. Because Podemos, like Vox, is the expression of a very palpable context. The context of Iglesias was, after the crisis of 2009, this senseless crisis that devoured the Spanish economy and, above all, employment. Churches have emerged to put limits to anxiety and adaptation.

Taking advantage of another crisis but not economic but national identity appeared Santiago Abascal, de Vox. He was a character of the Popular Party, he was Basque and he is now the big star of Spanish politics. His speech is very similar to other European leaders such as Viktor Orbán from Hungary and Marine Le Pen from France. The leaders on the right.

Santiago Abascal comes with a force for which Spanish politics has not been prepared, which only occurred in December of last year. He appeared in the elections in Andalusia, with 400,000 votes. It is a conservative region with some economic problems, ruled by socialism decades ago, which has found a way out for its discontent in Abascal.

Then Abascal went to Catalonia. Abascal proposes to put Spain in front of the Spaniards, which means that those who are tempted to vote for him, abandon separatism. Catalonia is, since 2015, a giant spine in the two shoes of Spain. This is a subject on which all politicians must pronounce and sharply divide Spain, and divide all of Spain. Abascal proposes to put aside separatism: same language, same religion (Catholicism, apart from Islam) and a unique identity, a single state: Spain.

He wants to repeal the law of protection against

gender violence.

Defend the possession of weapons to fight insecurity. These are issues that affect many sectors of the electorate. It's a manual model of a populist leader of the new world right. Charisma full of skin, three or four concepts that are repeated all the time, humor, threat, and basically: them or us.


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