Wage gap: women earn 17% less than men in Latin America


According to the study "Women in the world of work. Outstanding Challenges for Effective Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean "presented on Tuesday by the International Labor Organization (ILO) "Gender differences are one of the forms of inequality unjustifiable today."

The report badyzes the 2012/2017 period and ensures that women receive a 17% lower income from work than men of the same age, the same level of education, the presence of children and children. Other sources of income at home. For every hour worked.

Women's work

It also indicates that the distribution of household chores by bad "is still very unequal as women they occupy 80% of the housework, which limits their participation in the work.

In this regard, he stressed the need for Latin American and Caribbean countries to adopt "a series of transformative measures to address the challenges of employment policies, such as "Unobservable", which contribute to widening the pay gap between men and women. opportunities. "

Among the factors, there are stereotypes, where different types of cognitive prejudices and discrimination are perceived; Behaviors, which include aspirations, negotiation skills and risk aversion, as well as social norms, which involve the division of labor according to bad and new family arrangements.

The survey also confirms that they are higher in the lowest income percentiles, while non-compliance with the minimum wage disproportionately affects women, especially in informal jobs.


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