Waiting for Lula by Alberto Fernández | "…


"The Kirchner team has some racing turns," Lula asks as soon as she enters the room where the interview was held. The friendship knotted with the Kirchner always appears in meetings with the former Brazilian president. The affinity between the presidents is one element that has strengthened the integration agenda.

He has always favored his links with Argentina. It has not been easy to dispel historical mistrust between the leaders of both countries. His first trip abroad as President-elect, at the end of 2002, went to Argentina, as well as his first departure as former president after pbading command to the first president of the Brazil, Dilma Rousseff. The triad in line with Chancellor Celso Amorim and Special Adviser on Foreign Policy Marco Aurélio García has led to substantial progress in integration.

Political processes between the two countries feed on each other. The failure of the government of Mauricio Macri, the social and economic debacle of its policy, is perceived as the prelude to a new era of the South American giant. There is hope of many PT personalities. Argentina is present at different moments of the dialogue.

– In your opinion, what impact will the triumph of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner have on Brazil's domestic politics?

– I think the most desirable impact is that the Argentine people recover the right to be happy. I have lived through the Kirchner government period and I can tell you as an observer and companion that Argentina owes a lot to Kirchner's role, his abilities and his courage. Because coping with the situation he was facing was not easy. He was brave and I made an extraordinary alliance with him. Then with Cristina. Now, with candidate Fernández, I obviously can not comment on the elections of another country, it would be undue interference. Brazil needs peace, harmony with Argentina and all countries to be able to grow and improve the lives of the peoples we represent. And it is for this reason that the victory of Fernández means the possibility of considerably improving relations between Brazil and Argentina.

– What advice would you give to Alberto Fernández who is going to face a crisis?

– The advice I could give to my friend Fernández is: to govern the poor. Never lie to people who expect Argentina to improve. Do not accept the terrorism created by the market. The people of Argentina are not interested in the market, the latter has an interest in making money. The market is not worried if people are hungry, if people live on the street. The market wants to know if there is a profitability. And Fernández must commit to God and to the people: never lie to the people and lead mainly the workers and the poor Argentineans. That's the advice I could give to his compatriots Fernandez and Cristina.


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