War drums resound in Libya | The two governments …


After weeks of clashes and limited attacks, and despite desperate appeals from the UN to avert a new conflict, the two conflicting governments in Libya have declared war in a country plagued by a power vacuum and constant armed struggles since the overthrow of Moamer Khadafi in 2011.

With the uninterrupted advance of the forces of General Khalifa Hafter, the head of the so-called Libyan national army and the strong man of the so-called Tobruk government, which dominates the eastern and southern controls the main oil resources, the government of Tripoli, recognized by the government. international community and based in the country's capital, has formalized its counter-offensive.

"We reach out for peace, but after the aggression of Hafter's forces and his declaration of war on our capital, he will only find firmness and strength," said the prime minister of the so-called Tripoli government. , Fayez Serraj, in a statement. televised speech.

Serraj had tried to comply with the demands of caution and moderation of the UN. However, yesterday, with Hafter forces only 50 kilometers from the capital, launched Volcán de Ira operation and indicated that they were at war with the rebel general.

According to the first part broadcast by the government of Serraj, at least 21 people have died and 27 others have been injured since last Thursday, when the acceleration of Hafter to Tripoli has accelerated.

The first mbadive attacks that took place yesterday centered around Tripoli, including the Naqliya camp, near the road that leads to the country's airport and which controls Serraj, as well as in the Wadi Rabea region, where Hafter's troops are concentrated. . On both sides they were attacked by aerial bombardments.

As military escalation became evident, Serraj met with France's ambbadador to the country, Beatrice du Hellen, to inform her that her government considered Paris an accomplice to "the invasion of Tripoli "tempted by Hafter.

According to the Tripoli government, France supports the rebel general in his progress on the capital and on the country as a whole, a complaint similar to the one the Italian government had made a few months ago when it was baderted that Paris fueled the instability of the North African country's "oil interests".

From the United States, the commando of the armed forces to Africa, Africom, has announced a partial withdrawal of its troops in the country, without specifying the number of military or their new destination.

At the same time, the United Nations Support Mission for Libya has called for an immediate humanitarian truce in the suburbs of Tripoli, a call that will most likely have no major consequences, as was the case during the visit. of the United Nations Secretary-General in the country. António Guterres, this week.

The division of the country into two contested governments, one based in the east, in Tobruk, and the other in the west, in Tripoli, dates back to 2014, when various factions n & # 39; 39; had not accepted the results of a controversial election. Since then, sporadic fighting between militias loyal to both leaders has alternated with unsuccessful national reconciliation negotiations promoted by the UN.

Yesterday, before the outbreak of mbadive aerial bombardments on both sides, the international organization maintained the hope of holding a peace conference next weekend. Even if the conference is still held, it seems difficult to imagine that the dialogue between the two disputed Libyan governments will continue, as the two governments seem to have opted for the armed path.

The division between Tripoli and Tobruk dates back to 2014.


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