Warn about the need to detect hepatitis C and B infection on time


Since 2012, the country has a surveillance program for viral hepatitis. In Salta, these cases are monitored from the HIV Program, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Viral Hepatitis.

In dialogue with El Tribuno Laura Caporaletti, program manager, pointed out that from this moment Currently, 150 people are being treated for hepatitis C and l '; Hepatitis B.

"Hepatitis B and C are included in this program because their route of transmission is badual, through the blood and from mother to child., badual transmission is more prevalent, and This is why the checks are emphasized during pregnancy, "said the owner of the program.

Sebastián Figueroa, hematologist and hospital professional Arturo Oñativia, pointed out that public health with a procedure to carry out a survey on cases of hepatitis B but in many cases is not not done.

"However, from what we can see from the Oñativia Hospital, hepatitis B is more prominent than C, and in the case of Salta, the majority detected patients come from Oran, Tartagal, Embarcación and Río Piedra, near Metán.These are places where there are a lot of cases compared to other municipalities in the province.And much more than in the rest of the country, "warned the professional

Caporaletti said that in the case of pregnant women, it would be ideal that hepatitis tests be performed during the three visits. Mothers-to-be do the routine, but as this is not the case, they are constantly focusing on the care they should receive, even with their partner, using condoms. "In the case of hepatitis B, the fundamental tool is the vaccine that is in the mandatory diet for newborns, e t is also available for over 25 years at all health centers in the province. "The vaccination of adults is done with the introduction of three doses and it is effective only if the scheme is completed.

In the case of hepatitis C, there is already a treatment that reverses the disease and prevents reaching serious stages such as cirrhosis or the need for a transplant Caporaletti pointed out the effectiveness These treatments are not currently available, and it currently does not exist no legislation that encourages routine badysis to diagnose the disease before it reaches an advanced stage, but research is included in the protocol badyzes. "If the disease is detected in a woman pregnant, the necessary precautions are taken to avoid transmission to the baby at the time of delivery, "said the doctor, who also added that promoting the placement of the vaccine promotes the disappearance of the disease.

Sebastián Figueroa also stated that the prevalence of hepatitis C in Salta is 1.5 percent of the population. These data were collected during a follow-up of patients at Arturo Oñativia Hospital.

"In Argentina, as in the rest of the world, people infected with hepatitis C do not know that they have the disease.However, silently, it produces cirrhosis and l & # 39; Hepatitis C is the first cause of cirrhosis, although most people believe that this is due to alcohol consumption, "says the doctor.

There are treatments with positive results

Professionals recommend to ask the study to general practitioners.

Pablo Plaza is also a hepatologist and works in the private sector. In a conversation with El Tribuno, the professional pointed out that the treatment of hepatitis C is expensive because between drugs and viral loads, an investment of 800,000 to 1 million pesos per patient is estimated. "Until a few years ago, the recommendation was to treat the most advanced cases of hepatitis C, and currently the Department of Health and the World Health Organization recommend treatment as soon as the diagnosis, "said Plaza.

Sebastián Figueroa spoke about the current progress in therapy and emphasized the importance of early detection to avoid reaching a case of cirrhosis or a transplant.

The professional said that the most common route of transmission of hepatitis C is through the blood and, in general, the largest number of infected people is among adults.

Plaza added that in the 80-generation controls on surgical procedures, dialysis and blood transfusions did not have the rigor that they have in the news

The treatments applied for the Hepatitis C is intended for adults because the drugs are very powerful for a newborn. "In addition, the symptoms may take years to manifest, so that the discovery and treatment of the disease takes time.Cirrhosis occurs about 20 years after the acquisition of hepatitis C," explained Figueroa.

For its part, Plaza evaluated who currently has permission to start treatments once the diagnosis is made and there is no need to wait as before because some studies had to be done in Buenos Aires and are very expensive for both social work and patients.

Both professionals warned that the "big problem" with hepatitis C is that many people do not know that they have it and it is the primary cause of transplantation liver and liver cancer. "It's a silent disease that we have discovered by chance in routine badysis or because the hepatogram is impaired, then we look at it and the detection is very simple," Plaza adds.

The two hepatologists practicing in Salta stress: arriving late ", so that badyzes of these diseases should be encouraged in each badysis.

Plaza pointed out that every July 28, in other provinces, professionals are installed in overcrowded open spaces and carry out blood tests to quickly detect those who have viral hepatitis.

"It should be suggested to the patient to undergo a hepatitis test at least once in his life."

With regard to preventive measures, in the case of hepatitis B, vaccination is essential and the use of condoms in badual relations. In the case of hepatitis C, the infection being mainly due to the blood, it is necessary to be very careful in case of dialysis, blood transfusion and the use of syringes.

Figueroa said that during the week of prevention, public hospitals in Salta will conduct campaigns that include performing tests to determine if they have the virus.

"They are easy to access and it's not even necessary to turn in. But if you want to do it at any time of the year, you can ask the doctor to perform the laboratory, "he said.

A vaccination campaign against hepatitis B is also being developed and, with respect to treatments offered to patients with hepatitis C, only two of the six authorized diets are available for public health. Figueroa explained that the stage of the disease determines the treatment regimen, because it is necessary to take into account, if the patient is transplanted or is on dialysis, the complications that certain drugs can generate.

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