warn of increasing infections in Florida due to new strain detected in Colombia


Carlos Migoya, the director of the system, told News Channel 10 that the spread of this variant This is due to the constant flights between Colombia and Miami. He alerted that the 49% of those infected had the Delta variant, 26% had the “Brazilian” strain and 10% the Colombian variant, among others.

The “Colombian” strain refers to the variant identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) like B.1.621, the first sample of which was taken in January of this year in that country.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), until July 3 the variant accounted for 2.7% of COVID-19 cases in the United States.

Florida, Texas and Missouri record about 40% of new cases of covid-19 in the United States. As of July 23, Florida had an increase of 58% of the rate of infections per 100,000 inhabitants, as well as a 60% increase in the weekly mortality rate from covid-19.

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