warn of restrictions if money from the IMF does not arrive


The economist said that "these actions are more severe than the regulations in force in Kirchnerism with companies and more relaxed with individuals"

Mercedes Marcó del Pont, economist and former director of the Central Bank, said that "if they decide not to make disbursement, exchange control should be strengthened".

In addition, Marcó del Pont commented on the latest exchange control measures "these actions are more stringent than the regulations in force in Kirchnerism with companies and more relaxed with natural persons because they allow to hoard".

In statements on the radio, the former head of the BCRA has broadened his opinion on the relationship between the Monetary Fund and the government: "the fund must be complicated in its decision on this new payment, they were correspondents and were facing a dilemma now or after the elections. "

Marcó del Pont also expressed his opinion on the effect of the economic measures recently applied by the government: "This calm exchange rate is a little more tied than the previous ones" and he added that "the tranquility spirit after the exchange measures is related to the conduct of the Argentines themselves who have deposits in pesos reported, according to the BCRA, nearly 70% of purchases of dollars for cash reached $ 10,000 . "

Del Pont continued in this line by baderting that "the Achilles' heel of this government was the capital flight that devoured the debt of Caputo and the IMF" and that, although "before the subject of the leak was a taboo, the question is there are enough dollars to cover the leak that has slowed but continues. "

About the candidate Alberto Fernández and the future in a different political scenario, he pointed out that the definitions given by the candidate of the Front de Todos "go in the direction of a stabilization closely linked to the future. social agreement ".

"It is essential to curb rising prices and falling wages and the loss of jobs, it is a much more comprehensive policy that concerns the financial aspect: we must recover credit and redirect", he concluded.

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