warn of the risk of missing or exceeding the second dose


In the midst of the relentless coronavirus pandemic, application of the vaccine appears to be an dire necessity. Although Johnson & Johnson’s is administered as a single puncture, most requires two doses.

In this last group of two applications are the vaccine against Covid-19 Russian Sputnik V, Chinese Sinopharm, AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna, to name a few.

And according to experts, not receiving the second dose means that the person is not protected in the highest percentage and involves certain risks, includes in a report the BBC.

The Russian Sputnik V vaccine requires two doses.  Photo: Reuters

The Russian Sputnik V vaccine requires two doses. Photo: Reuters

The doctor Isabelle Ballalai, vice-president of the Brazilian Immunization Society, was forceful in the face of some doubts: “The data we have shows that the person is protected with two doses. If he takes only one, he does not ‘has not completed the plan and is not properly vaccinated, “he explains.

It should be noted that for each type of vaccine against Covid-19, there is a percentage or level of protection provided after the first dose, but not within the parameters set by institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO), for example.

False sense of security

One negative aspect that specialists point out after receiving the first dose is a false sense of security, which sometimes unconsciously leads to relax and lead a carefree life.

They warn against not receiving treatment after receiving the first dose of the vaccine.  Photo: Orlando Pelichotti / Los Andes

They warn against not receiving treatment after receiving the first dose of the vaccine. Photo credit: Orlando Pelichotti / Los Andes

The question that physicians and epidemiologists must answer the most points in this direction. What happens if a person misses the second dose? Whether you can apply the second dose anytime or will you have to start over?

“If the maximum duration of the second dose has been exceeded, it may be necessary to restart the vaccination schedule, since all efficacy data is based on a protocol,” explains the immunologist. Christine bonorino, Senior Lecturer at the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre.

Ballalai adds his testimony to the same effect: “They must not be delayedBut if they have something unexpected, it’s important to get the second dose as soon as possible to get a good immune response. “

A health worker prepares to apply the Covid-19 vaccine in Rome, Italy.  Photo: EFE

A health worker prepares to apply the Covid-19 vaccine in Rome, Italy. Photo: EFE

And he was forceful in his conclusion: “If we don’t stick to it, we can’t guarantee vaccination,” the doctor said, and urged to get his message out on TV, social media and in the world. all media.


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