warn of unprecedented expansion of Covid-19


“The pandemic has entered a new phase. If we don’t have enough beds, we can’t hospitalize people. We are acting preventively on this front, ”Tamura told Parliament.

However, the official pointed out the possibility of a step backwards in politics, since decision to ask some patients to stay home has drawn criticism from medical experts for putting lives in danger.

Japan has seen a sharp rise in coronavirus infections. Tokyo reported a record 4,166 new cases on Wednesday.

The government’s decision to Yoshihide Suga of hospitalize only seriously ill Covid-19 patients or at risk of being so, has aroused strong criticism. The Prime Minister has seen his support for the management of the pandemic decline before general elections to be held this year.

Surveys have shown that many Japanese are opposed to holding the Olympics while the country is lagging behind in its efforts to contain the pandemic and immunize the population.

Suga and the Games organizers said that there is no connection between the celebration of the sporting event, from July 23 to August 8, and the increase in cases.

However, the main medical adviser, Shigeru Omi, told parliament that holding the Games may have softened the impact of government demands for people to stay at home.

Imposing a state of emergency across the country could be an option to deal with the pandemic, Held. The state of emergency is already in force in several prefectures, as well as in Tokyo.

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