Warning of Russia in the United States for Venezuela …


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov accused each other of the destabilization of Venezuela by their governments, in an exchange in which Washington reiterated the request made to Russia to stop supporting the government of Maduro, while Moscow accused the United States of stealing international law.

In a phone call between the two countries' diplomatic leaders, Pompeo "stressed that the intervention of Russia and Cuba destabilized Venezuela and bilateral relations between the United States and Russia," said the door. State Department spokesman Morgan Ortagus. . Pompeo also "called on Russia to end its support for Nicolás Maduro and join the nations, including an overwhelming majority of Western countries, who want a better future for the Venezuelan people". According to the statement, the head of the US diplomacy asked Russia to stop supporting the government of President Nicolás Maduro and "join other nations, including the overwhelming majority of countries in the Western Hemisphere. who are looking for a better future. " for the Venezuelan people. "During the interview that took place on Wednesday, Pompeo also badured Lavrov that he was taking note of his statement on Tuesday in which the Russian Foreign Ministry had asked to give up the violence and support the return of stability and prosperity to Russia.

The Russian response was immediate. According to a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Lavrov told Pompeo that "Washington's interference in Venezuela's affairs is a flagrant violation of international law." For Putin's Chancellor, "this destructive influence has nothing to do with it, with democracy," according to the note.

The head of the Russian diplomacy also criticized the statements of Trump and Pompeo on a possible intervention of the American army, if necessary, in Venezuela. "It has been said that the continuation of aggressive measures will have the most serious consequences: only the Venezuelan people have the right to decide their destiny, for which a dialogue between all the political forces of the country is necessary, which the government asks for. for a long time, "said the Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement.

In this note, the Russian ministry accused the United States of having supported the eve of the Venezuelan opposition's attempt, led by Juan Guaidó, to seize power. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zajárova said yesterday in an interview with Rossiya channel 24 that the actions and "aggressive rhetoric" of the United States. vis-à-vis Venezuela, their goal is to "demoralize" the citizens of this country of South America.

Zajárova stressed that the life of the Venezuelan people was deteriorating, in particular "because of the actions of the United States", reported the website of RT.

For the diplomat, Washington uses "aggressive rhetoric, direct intimidation, blackmail, and threats" against Venezuela and seeks to "sow panic, fear," as well as a "feeling of" dissent. huge anxiety and betrayal "aimed at Venezuelans. "

Venezuela, plunged into a deep crisis for several months, has become a subject of contention between the United States. and Russia. While the administration of Donald Trump led international support for Guaidó, who proclaimed himself interim president of Venezuela last January, Russia has maintained its support for Maduro, an ally since coming to power .


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