Warplanes disrupted the inhabitants of Greater Mendoza


Warplanes disturbed residents of Greater Mendoza | MDZ online

Fans filmed low flights.

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This morning, the roar of the turbines of warplanes disrupted the neighbors of different regions of Greater Mendoza. Fighter-bombers took off low-level planes over Ciudad, Guaymallén and Las Heras as part of exercises organized by the Fourth Air Brigade and their engines were felt on the ground.

The flights are part of the VI international cooperation exercise with the FFAA. Representatives of the military aviation authorities of the countries of the region, the United States and Canada attended the meeting.

The main objective of the plan is "to integrate the capabilities of the different competing air forces in scenarios requiring humanitarian badistance, by working on the procedures relating to the planning, execution and control of air operations in the event of a natural disaster ".

The maneuvers will last until Friday and there could be more "noisy" flights in the metropolitan area.


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