Warren Buffett shared 5 tips for raising successful kids


Billionaire businessman Warren Buffett turns 90 and is still active
Billionaire businessman Warren Buffett turns 90 and is still active

Warren Buffet is the sixth richest person in the world, with a fortune of around US $ 79,000 million. But also, “the Oracle of Omaha” (his hometown) is an eminence in the world of business and investment because Its financial forecasts are very accurate and are followed with blind faith by investors and brokers around the world.

One of the aspects that most attracts Buffet’s attention is that, despite his wealth, he lives in a relatively austere fashion since, for example, he lives in the same house he bought in 1958 for US $ 31,500. ., which would amount to approximately $ 270,000 today, located in a neighborhood in downtown Omaha (Nebraska).

PMain shareholder and CEO of the Berkshire Hathaway holding company, Buffet turned 90 and is still active from day one and regularly advises many of them to follow in his footsteps and become millionaires.

Buffett is a passionate businessman, but also a person who enjoys talking and giving advice - REUTERS / Scott Morgan / File Photo
Buffett is a passionate businessman, but also a person who enjoys talking and giving advice – REUTERS / Scott Morgan / File Photo

Recently, she gave 5 tips for parenting success.

1-Encourage young people to explore widely and embrace the things that speak of their interests, passions and also their eccentricities.

2-Show him how the world works– Don’t blindly follow your passions, but learn to find things that work in practice and limit your possible targets to the few that can inspire your passions.

3-Help him develop his wacky eccentricities, especially if you want to know how to profit from it. As you get older and the clock is ticking, the world will watch your movements with a more critical eye.

4-Explain that the Success takes time, discipline and patience. “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone else planted a tree a long time ago, ”is his wise advice. ATthat those services, products or benefits that we enjoy today are the result of the efforts and work of someone who created them before. It’s a way of valuing the things we enjoy today and also the time it takes to get them.

5- Remind him that it is essential to think before acting. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it,” Buffet says. Must take care of our personal brand.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are friends and often do presentations together

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are friends and often do presentations together

Own success stories

Buffett is a source of youthful eccentricities and examples of life for all. At the age of 7, he “practically memorized” a 1936 book titled A thousand ways to win 1000 Dollars.

At 13, he filed his first tax return. It was such a memorable experience for him that he can still recite what was in it. Your income from a newspaper delivery route, itemized deductions including $ 35 for a bike, and ultimately a $ 7 tax bill.

At 20, after learning that his mentor, teacher and quasi-hero Benjamin Graham was president of GEICO, Buffett took a train to Washington, convinced a janitor to let him into the insurance company’s headquarters over the weekend. -end and spent four hours chatting with. the assistant to the president of the company (who will later become the CEO).


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