was suspended for three months


Eugenie Izard He has been a child psychiatrist for 16 years and practices in Toulouse, in the south of France. However, today she cannot work or defend children because she has been forbidden to do so. The French medical council banned her from working as a child psychiatrist from April to June 2021.

According to the media of France 3, in the sentence “the national disciplinary chamber of the medical order accuses him of having referred the case to the juvenile judge instead of the prosecutor and, consequently, of having violated the secrecy medical”.

Dr Izard reported child abuse and was therefore suspended. This shows that in France, it is still difficult to protect abused children, especially those who are victims of incest.

Eugénie Izard ejerce in Toulouse, al sur de Francia.

Eugénie Izard ejerce in Toulouse, al sur de Francia.

Eugenie defends herself and says that she acted correctly. In addition, the professional told France 3 that “I wrote to the juvenile judge within the framework of the law which authorizes the sharing of secrecy. In this, I followed article 2 of the code of ethics on the rights of vulnerable people ”.

“Today, I am paying the price for my commitment … my commitment to protect children from abuse,” Izard described in a video that went viral on YouTube.

The boy told the psychiatrist that his father was an abuser.

The boy told the psychiatrist that his father was an abuser.

It all started in 2015, when Dr. Izard reported abuse to a child in psychotherapy. “I did not close my eyes even though the father I accused of abuse was a doctor. Several years of pressure and reprisals followed, until this scandalous final sentence, ”he said.

Faced with the coronavirus quarantine, the denial and the anger to see to what extent the little mistreated patients are systematically returned to their abusive parents, he founded, with his colleagues, the REPPEA (Network of Professionals for the Protection of Children and Adolescents), which she says is disturbing.

Is it a coincidence that just after the creation of this network, you received a first complaint from a medical father who, after five years of proceedings, has just been sentenced on appeal by the departmental council of the Order of Physicians? three months after disqualification from practicing medicine ?.

The psychiatrist denounced the crime of incest, that his patient would have confessed to him. To this day, he continues to fight for his sentence to be overturned and continues to believe that “there is clearly a reversal of guilt”.

“I will fight for this injustice to be recognized. These are often criminal cases. Incest is a crime and we have to be able to be safe in this type of case. A report. We have to be able to be safe. to obtain immunity in these cases, ”he told French media.

The psychiatrist hopes that the sanction will be lifted quickly, because she says she is concerned about the patients she is currently treating. “Some of them are fragile, in particular the adolescents who are currently in institutions and who are going through this crisis with great difficulty,” he said. “They wouldn’t see a psychiatrist for three months, given the shortage of child psychiatrists, but also the time needed to establish a relationship of trust. It is not for my patients to make them pay the price for a mistake I did not make. “, closed, energetic.


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