Washington: a woman shot dead on the Capitol


Strong images have gone viral in the middle of incidents in the United States Capitol when they entered by force protesters supporting President Donald Trump. A video shows the moment in which a woman is shot between the chest and neck and collapses on the floor of the US Congress and in another televised shoot, we see how we take it off on a stretcher. An hour later, the NBC reported that the woman is dead.

Protesters entered both chambers, according to US media, as well as the roundabout of the Capitol, where it was used tear gas. Officers of The Capitol police have drawn their weapons to defend the legislators, according to the democratic deputy And Kildee, which reported a “attack on the United States“.


Two videos that transcend sensitive images. The first shows the moment when several demonstrators were demonstrating inside the Capitol while listening a blow and a woman collapsed to the ground. Then we see that the the wound begins to bleed from the blow that allegedly struck between the chest and neck.

In another video, which was captured by the cameras of the NBC live, you can see the woman, with a lot of blood in the neck, as she is rushed by medics to a hospital, where they could not save her life, according to the NBC.


Due to the incidents, the US Congress urgently suspended a session aimed at certifying Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. The two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives, they were confined and lawmakers were tasked with carrying gas masks and lie on the floor, according to members of Congress.

Trump, who previously asked his supporters to travel to Congress to pressure elected Republican officials to oppose certification of Biden’s victory, since then asked them to avoid violence.

They evacuated the Capitol: gunshots, gunshot wounds and curfew

“They are really on our country’s side,” Trump said, calling for support from the Capitol Police and law enforcement personnel. “Stay peaceful! “he added.

“We took the camera (…) It’s ours”, he told the AFP a protester. “I would sacrifice myself to protect my rightsinsisted Jim Wood, another 60-year-old protester from New Hampshire.

Tension in the United States: Protesters stormed Congress where they validated Biden

The Washington mayor has ordered a curfew at 6:00 p.m. local time in the federal capital, which should last until 6:00 a.m. Thursday morning.



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