Washington tested a missile banned until now by a treaty with Russia – Telam


The United States has tested a type of missile that was banned more than 30 years ago by a treaty with Russia, which the two countries have abandoned this month, announced today the Pentagon, fearing a new arms race between the two nuclear powers.

The missile was fired from the island of San Nicolás, in the Pacific Ocean, and hit the target after traveling more than 500 kilometers.

The projectile was armed with a conventional head and not a nuclear warhead, the Pentagon said in a statement, according to CNN.

Defense officials said last month that the missile would likely have a range of about 1,000 kilometers and could be ready for deployment in 18 months.

The missile allegedly violated the 1987 INF Treaty, which banned all types of missiles with a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers.

The United States and Russia abandoned the treaty on Aug. 2 after Washington accused Moscow of raping it.

Russia said that the one who violated the agreement was the United States.


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