Watch the movie trailer of Florencia Kirchner and Tristán Bauer on Santiago Maldonado – 21/07/2018


"What happened to the Chubut River?" Along with the narration of Darío Grandinetti, so begins the trailer of "The Way of Santiago" the film of Tristán Bauer and Florencia Kirchner on the case of Santiago Maldonado.

The documentary, which neatly tells of the former head of Radio and Television Argentina, scenario of the daughter of Néstor and Cristina (with Omar Quiroga), and the music of Leon Gieco , first tentative date on August 7, six days after the first anniversary of the disappearance of the artist at a demonstration in the community Mapuche Pu Lof in the Resistance of Cushamen

of the film, which aired on Saturday morning, includes images of the site Mapuche where the gendarmerie came during the claim, as well as recordings organized marches to request the appearance of youth and statements of government officials.

  Florencia Kirchner and Tristan Bauer, in charge of the project.

Florencia Kirchner and Tristan Bauer, in charge of the project.

"In Argentine Patagonia, after a crackdown by the National Gendarmerie against a Mapuche community claiming for its land the tycoon Luciano Benetton, the young man of 28 years, aka Santiago Maldonado, disappears", says the synopsis of the cbadette

"In the country of 30,000 missing, this new disappearance generates complaints from family members, human rights organizations, parties politicians and society as a whole.The protests grow up to become innumerable Finally, on October 17, 78 days after his disappearance, the body of Santiago appears lifeless on the banks of the Chubut River, "the description goes on.

  The movie poster Santiago Maldonado

The poster of the film of Santiago Maldonado

And ends: "What happened? Who were responsible? How did your body get there? These are some of the questions this documentary asks to clarify a case that calls for truth and justice. "

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