Watch them with pride, the moving video honoring the Malvinas veterans


On the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the war in the South Atlantic, the School of Military Aviation in Cordoba paid tribute to Malvinas veterans with a video broadcast on social networks and a double message: "Look at them with pride" and "They defended them with honor".

The video shows a veteran of the Falklands War asking for instructions to get to a gas station intended for a group of aspirants standing in front of the military aviation school. One of the aspirants warns that the driver is wearing a Falkland Islands badge on one arm and the ex-fighter says, "We swear to defend them and that's what we did". While he gets in his car, the veteran finds that the aspirants return him with a military salute.

"We do not know them all, but we owe them everything," is one of the phrases chosen to close the video, which they broadcast with hashtags #DefendieronConHonor and #MiralosConOrgullo.


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