Watching movies with family: the task for the winter holidays that a teacher from Bella Vista asked


The teacher Paola Escarabajal, 37 years old and teacher for 13 years, is a professor at the San Alfonso Institute of Bella Vista. It is there that she has won the love of parents and students who have received from her a special task for the home during the winter holidays.

"Preparing a pizza (choosing a place in the house to eat) Watching a movie as a family (preparing pochoclos), placing pillows on the floor and savoring" were some of the instructions that the teacher gave to families "Dear family, I am sure that the tasks you have taken have surprised you, Language, maths and science will continue to be acquired with me for the rest of the year, but your time, your companionship, your love, your affection and the happiness of sharing with your family will not teach you anything, "he explains to parents, the winter break.

In dialogue with
TN and La Gente, the mother of a student of Paola, told that when she opened the notebook and found the homework, she had a huge surprise. "I loved it, I got excited, at school, they learn knowledge, but at home, you learn the value of having a family." I congratulate her, as well as A good teacher, she is a great person. "

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