We are like at the time of teddy bears


The Ruben Rada, president of the Falklands Fighters Confederation of the Argentine Republic, said yesterday about the intention of the national government to recognize the United Kingdom as the coastal state of the Malvinas: "we are like at the time of the stuffed animal bears (in reference to Chancellor Guido Di Tella, who at Christmas 1998 sent a letter and a bear to every inhabitant of the islands), it now turns out that the English are good because that they give us a helmet, but they do not return the Falklands "

– What do you think of the denunciation of Governor Bertone, in that the national government could recognize the United Kingdom as a coastal state of the Malvinas Islands?

-From the Confederation of Malouin fighters of the Argentine Republic, we support the law that Bertone submitted to the Senate on the question of the Malvinas, in the sense that any negotiation of the Falklands must go through the Congress, because they are the true representatives of the people and the sovereignty of the Malvinas is in the national Constitution. The idea is to treat the problems of the Malvinas as a state policy. Me, from the Confederation, I denounced the president to Comodoro Py, as well as 500 veterans, but Judge Lijo rejected him. It is like when the Chancellor has recognized the Kelpers as the Falklands authorities when the legitimate authority is the governor of Tierra del Fuego.

– What is your position on these agreements with the United Kingdom?

– We do not agree and the Congress should deal with all these agreements with the British, like the one in Madrid, which is in force. Now, it turns out that the English, who exploit all the fish wealth of the Malvinas, buy two or three boats to take care of them and that the Chinese do not take the squid. It's like this: you take me home, but as it's mine, you tell me that from now on, we'll pay for electricity and gas at mid-point. -path. No sir! If the fish are ours, the English can not do the right ones and give us 20%.

-How does the impact of Brexit?

– Six months ago, in Brussels, Spain expressed its concerns about the closure of Spanish meat packing factories because England, which is the world's second largest producer of squid, has stopped paying its customs duties since leaving the European Union. The English are taking away our fishing wealth and everyone is looking for oil in the easiest places. In the Malvinas, there is oil, but its removal is very expensive, but when it is finished elsewhere, it will come and get it and give it water. They will even sell us water in small bottles.

– What is your position on flights to Malvinas from Cordoba?

-They accuse me of being a Kirchner, but the Malvinas policy of the last decade was so good that even Chile voted for it. They give the flight to Córdoba to the kelpers and it turns out that they stopped a friend for 12 hours for having an Argentine flag. We have to go to the Malvinas with a pbadport, we can not take a blue cloth and they tell us that the Argentineans are "bad guys". And they can come to Córdoba or Rosario to attend public hospitals and study in public universities, which they do not have. We are like in the days of teddy bears.


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