“We are not Chavistas, we are not Communists”


Peru’s elected president, Pedro Castillo, ruled out that his government would copy foreign “models” and he insisted on the fact that he is neither “Chavist” nor “Communist”.

“We will beget the true Peruvian model respecting the institutionality “Castillo declared after receiving from the National Election Jury (JNE) his “powers” as President of the Republic for the period 2021-2026, reports the AFP agency.

“I categorically reject the fact that we are going to bring in models from other countries. We are not Chavistas, we are not Communists, we are not extremists, let alone terrorists “added the rural teacher, rejecting the qualifications awarded by his opponents.

Castillo was proclaimed on Monday July 19 last elected president by the JNE, which took six weeks to review the challenges and ballot appeals before declaring it the winner in the June 6 poll.

The JNE presented him with his credentials, a diploma in a leather folder, on Friday at a ceremony in the auditorium of the Ministry of Culture in Lima, which few authorities attended as a precautionary measure in due to the Covid 19 pandemic. new vice-president, Dina Boluarte.

Pedro Castillo will assume the presidency of Peru on Wednesday - Photo EFE

Pedro Castillo will assume the presidency of Peru on Wednesday – Photo EFE

“I’ve got to call the broadest unity of all political parties, to all the unions, to all the teachers in Peru, to the trade unions and popular organizations of the country, to all the communities of origin, to the indigenous peoples ”, declared Castillo, who wore his white hat with a high crown, traditional dress peasants from his native Cajamarca (north).

Governance is one of Castillo’s challenges, after a polarized election campaign and the political upheavals of the past five years, which have led Peru to have three presidents in November 2020.

The 51-year-old president-elect must announce the names of his chief of staff and key ministers at any time.

Acting President Francisco Sagasti will hand over command to Castillo on July 28.

The former teacher at a rural school narrowly beat right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori, who initially denounced the “fraud,” without providing conclusive evidence, although shortly before the proclamation he said he would recognize the results.

Observers from the OAS, as well as the United States and the European Union, said the electoral process was clean.

JNE chief Jorge Luis Salas once again dismissed the fraud allegations in his speech. “The electoral process was correct and the whole world recognizes it,” he said.

Wait Alberto

President Alberto Fernández will travel to Lima after the closing of the lists to participate in the inauguration of the president-elect scheduled for Wednesday.

In principle, Fernandez will travel with a very small suite, In which will be the Minister of Foreign Affairs Felipe Solá, and Oscar Laborde, vice-president of Parlasur, who, during the recent elections in Peru, headed the mission of the electoral body.

“I would like to reiterate my congratulations to Pedro Castillo, who was democratically elected and proclaimed president of our brothers in Peru. Together we will work for a united Latin America“, underlined this week the Argentinian president.


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