"We are representatives of a transformation" | Dilm …


"We are representatives of a transformation that will make violence against women unthinkable," said Friday the former president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, named honorary member of the research group Intersindical with a gender perspective. Union between unions is a space convened by the Center for Worker Innovation (Citra) and the Metropolitan University of Education and Work (UMET). It is made up of women trade unionists who seek to improve their tools to challenge the political terrain.

The trade unionists gathered in the federal stream, the CGT and the two CTAs gathered this Friday at UMET to pay tribute to Dilma for his participation in the women's struggle. Before the speech of the former president, they sent her a thank you letter and named her an honorary member. "The women who form this space do not deny the traditional gender equality agenda, we are sensitive to the many injustices we suffer because of our status as women and badual dissent. Union and labor combatants, we understand that today is not enough, "said Patricia Blanco, CTA Capital and UTE, on behalf of her colleagues. He added: "We believe that women should be in the spaces of political decision-making, where the strategic aspects are discussed, decisions are made that mark out the path of a country, a party, a union, spaces in which there is a frontal struggle against real power ".

The former president, after asking each of the 40 workers to mention their union membership, was enthusiastic about the appointment and took the opportunity to lecture on the importance of feminist struggle in Latin America. "The struggle of women is the struggle of this century, and we are making gender a fundamental issue," he said. And he clarified: "The gender is not the feminine or masculine gender we are born with.The gender is a skin and it's on that skin that we need to discuss."

"We know that without women's rights, there are no human rights, but there is a tendency to badociate women's struggle with the destruction of the family," Rousseff warned. a "neo-fascist vision that reigns in a part of Brazilian society" that "influenced the elections"

In a brief overview of her management and that of Lula, the former president emphasized the importance given to women in her country. "The first thing we have recognized is that social policies must be focused on women," said Rousseff. "The second was to fight against violence against women," he added, recalling the 2006 law on da Maria da Penha and the 2015 law on "femicide". He also referred to the law on domestic workers: "We must know women, their condition is more difficult.You must understand this to prevent the poorest to be handled."

However, he admitted that in his country "the presence of women in public and political spaces" is still very weak. "And I know that women are very important in politics.I know we know how to converse.And what is politics if not the word?", Joked the former president.

"Patriarchy is not one, it is a job, we must be aware that we are the representatives of a transformation that will make violence against women unthinkable", she encouraged women workers.

Finally, he took the opportunity to seek justice for Marielle Franco and for the freedom of Lula Da Silva: "They represent the democratic struggle, the popular struggle, the anti-neoliberal fight," he said. "Marielle was a representative of the struggle in Brazil against violence against women, the right to live baduality as she pleased, the fight against violence in the peripheries" and Lula, although he "Democratic man who also represents this fight".

Finally, he urged those present to unite against neoliberalism. "I thought I would never see the IMF grow again on this continent," Rousseff lamented of the adjustment policies that "reduce and reduce until the poor bleed a lot." And he concluded, "There are few governments for the peoples of Latin America, you must provide others."

Report: Azul Tejada.


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