We did you a favor: he wanted a liposuction and they made him a new nose


The 41-year-old woman has decided to make her public record in the last days. He said that he had entered the operating room for a liposuction, but that he had received a "rhinoplasty" as a gift.

A woman had liposuction, but they also had her nose changed. The woman stated that she had never asked for rhinoplasty and that she would sue for negligence. In addition, you will have to expose yourself to a new surgical procedure to find the original characteristics of your face.

This 41-year-old woman, originally from the United States, said she had liposuction in Peru at the age of 19 and, upon waking, discovered that she had also undergone rhinoplasty.

The victim has decided to make public the fact in recent days and said that she had undergone a new operation to trace the original features of her face.

At age 19, Mariela visited relatives in Peru and, tired of bullying at school, decided to undergo liposuction. However, upon awakening, he noticed that he had a bandage covering his nose. In questioning one of the doctors, they replied: "We have done you a favor."

The woman has decided to make public the fact in recent days so that no one goes through the same situation and said that recently, underwent a new operation to restore its original appearance.



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