"We do not want a kneeling integration" | Criticism …


From Santa Fe

The People's Summit that met yesterday in Santa Fe in response to the Mercosur Presidents' Summit alerted about the impact of neoliberalism in the free trade area that is encouraging Mauricio Macri, Jair Bosonaro and his colleagues in Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez and Chile Sebastian Piñera. "We want integration in the world, but not on our knees as Macri and Bolsonaro want", was the synthesis of a day of debate bringing together Parlasur legislators excluded from the Summit, including the former Minister of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Jorge Taiana, politicians and trade unionists. and workers across the country. The convocation of the Movement of Santa Fe Workers (MOS) that make up the CGT, the two CTAs and social organizations has exceeded 1,000 people.

One of the axes of the dialogue was the Mercosur-EU agreement, which Taiana considered "unbalanced". "The European Union is gaining a lot and giving little and Mercosur is gaining little and giving a lot," he said. MOS referee and former candidate for Lieutenant Governor and now national deputy of the Todos Front, Jorge Hoffmann interpreted it as "a new twist of what we are living in Argentina, with the liquidation of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises It would be a disaster for Argentine workers to multiply what we live today, "Hoffmann said.

From Mexico, Taiana explained that "the integration of Latin America is indispensable". And despite what they preach, "Macri and Bolsonaro are against this integration.We are here the parliamentarians of Mercosur", marginalized from the Summit of Presidents. "If integration is important, it should not be a task of bureaucracy, but a social process that requires the participation of citizens, their organizations and their representatives in Parlasur." "We are in a parallel activity because Macri prevented the participation of the population and their social organizations" at the Santa Fe Summit, denounced the former foreign minister. At the closing ceremony, a history of the federal workers' movement, Héctor "Gringo" Amichetti, Suteba leader Roberto Baradel and national senator Marilín Sacnun, among others, participated.

The deliberations took place in the house of municipal employees in the province. It is the "institutional complex Néstor Kirchner". "And this is not a coincidence," said Festram guild leader Claudio Leoni, one of the promoters of the People's Summit. Leoni, his CGT Santa Fe colleague, Claudio Ghirardi, CTA chief José Testoni, agreed that Macri embodied the country's delivery. "We are witnessing the marginalization, the poverty, the layoffs, the closures of our people's factories." And he advances in the "persecution of union leaders who oppose and resist the neoliberal model," said Leoni, citing former CGT leader Hugo Moyano, Sergio Palazzo and Roberto Baradel. "Macri's is a project of dependence.The replacement of the dictatorship by a political expression of the ruling elite, media companies and the judiciary is not a coincidence, it is part of the old American policy wanting to put us in the background of hegemonic power.


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