"We face a coup and we disable it" | Chronic


The Minister of Communication of Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguezinformed that the Government of Nicolás Maduro is "face and disable" a conspiracy coup d'état, referring to the statement of the leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó, of a military air base, where he is accompanied by Leopoldo Lopez, the leader of the opposition released by the rebel army.

I also read: Military dissidents freed Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López

"We are informing the people of Venezuela that we are currently facing and deactivating a small group of treacherous soldiers who have placed themselves in the Altamira distributor to promote a coup against the Constitution and peace of the Republic." . said the minister, quoted by the agency EFE.

We are informing the people of Venezuela that we are currently facing and deactivating a small group of treacherous militaries who have placed themselves in the Altamira distributor to promote a coup against the Constitution and peace of the Republic … 1/2

– Jorge Rodríguez (@jorgerpsuv)
April 30, 2019

"At this attempt were added the coup d'etat and the extreme right murderer, who announced his violent agenda for months, calling on the population to remain alert for peace," added Rodriguez.

In addition to this, the deadly ultra-right coup d'état, which announced its violent program for months, called on the population to remain on the alert in order to defeat, with the glorious Bolivarian National Armed Forces, the attempted coup d'etat. State and preserve La Paz. 2/2

– Jorge Rodríguez (@jorgerpsuv)
April 30, 2019


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