"We go to the polls," Macri told the businessmen


Without the leaders of the Front de Tous, with the exception of the syndicalists who took part in a good number, the ruling party took advantage of the closing of the 55th symposium of ideas to indicate to the company that the company was in charge. agreement with the IMF remained in force and a triumph of Mauricio Macri would guarantee the continuation of the situation. country on the voluntary debt market.

Macri and his finance minister, Hernán Lacunza, did not do it personally, but through two videoconferences – the head of the state of Corrientes and the head of Washington – in a climate of marked confusion on the continuation of the economy in case Alberto Fernández prevails in the presidential election.

Before playing in a new stop of the tour "Yes, you can," Macri acknowledged that there are "many skeptics, especially in the red circle, who ended this day of the Passage," referring to points that Fernandez took in the primary.

"I am convinced that on October 27, we will go to the polls and win the elections," he added enthusiastically.

"It is clear that we have not been able to recover an economy that we receive without energy, faultwithout even statistics and repressed inflation, "he summed up, in self-criticism. He also said the government was clear that the country needed to recover its "currency, credit, stability, predictability," he said.

With this in mind, he felt that "the macroeconomic balance" was necessary. "We export more than we import, we reduce three tax points and we must continue to reduce them. There is an environment to reach this consensus. The electoral process must be completed. On August 12, the possibility of returning to the past was a very heavy punishment for Argentina, "he said.

Against Alberto Fernández

Before the president, Minister Dante Sica had lodged a complaint against Fernandez's proposal to press for a price and salary pact. He said that this promise had led to remarks on prices and rethinking staff structures in companies. "Social pacts concluded only with economic problems have failed," said the head of production and labor.

A few minutes after his meeting with IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, Minister Lacunza estimated that if Fernandez wins, the country will face "renegotiation" of Argentine debt, but in case Macri would be ratified credit market voluntary, "he said.

The message from the United States was heard by some 700 businessmen and leaders who stayed on the third and final day of the symposium.

Lacunza defended the debt strategy. "The change in the debt of a period is the change in the increase in the budget deficit of this period," said that this bond would reach $ 310 billion, accounting for between 68 and 75% of GDP .

"It's the same thing about raising assets and reducing liabilities; to have a lower debt, we must have a lower budget deficit, "he added.

He also asked the opposition to refrain from criticism that the government is applying a major adjustment while increasing debt. "You have to choose one of the two critics because otherwise one is contradictory to the other," he said. And the country's goal was to "maintain fiscal coherence in any tax or expenditure reform". "The conditions for the renegotiation of the debt will depend decisively on the consistency of fiscal coherence that can be displayed in the future," he said.

"The situation that fell after the Paso is totally irrational in our eyes. It makes sense not to validate additional pressure that would only reach the poor first, "said Lacunza.


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Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 19/10/2019 in our print edition.


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