"We make a delicate machine", say the creators of the robot inspired by origami


Like art, robotics mimics nature. How many robots have two arms and two legs, or who mimic the characteristics of an animal! But a new creature generated at the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) challenges this tradition.

It is one of a kind Automated arm designed to lift objects, but that does not copy the appearance of a hand. Not even that of a traditional clip.

As we foresee here, this development reported by the Laboratory of Computer and Artificial Intelligence (CSAIL) division is inspired by one of the origami figures. And he has a defined goal: pick up fragile objects without damaging or breaking them. That's why the researchers are talking about "soft robotics"

"Our goal is that the robot is delicate," he said during a dialogue with TN Tecno Rachel Gordon, a member of this department of MIT.

– How did this project get started?

– We are inspired by origami and we work in soft robotics for more than ten years. Although we started developing software robots in 2015, we also published in 2017 a document detailing the operation of artificial muscles driven by fluids, in which we proposed to create this automaton.

It will be used not only in the factories, but also in the warehouses and even in the houses, explains Daniela Rus, project manager.

– In practice, how do you manage to collect objects?

– We use origami-like structures for the robot's skeleton and a thin, flexible film that serves as skin. To lift different products or objects, this technology works with atmospheric pressure inside the sealed space of the skin, which causes the contraction or expansion of the skeleton. So, the void created around the object allows the hand to adapt to the shape and can lift it.

– Why is delicacy a virtue for a robot? And what applications can be given to this development?

– We make a soft and delicate machine! This type of robotic hands can be used to grab fruits, plants, food, animals, etc. And it is also remarkable the fact that they offer a secure interaction with humansbecause soft rubber, paper and vacuum are used.

(Image: Jason Dorfman / MIT CSAIL)
(Image: Jason Dorfman / MIT CSAIL)

Gordon says that in the tests this mechanical arm lift without breaking objects as fragile as mushrooms or eggs. But in addition to delicate, this machine is powerful. "The clip weighs less than 100 grams and still manages to grab and hold objects weighing up to 12 kg," he says.

Of course: according to the expert, with this machine can not apply different forces. He makes the same "effort" to lift a small apple or a bottle filled with liquid.

"In previous surveys, you could only enter objects that are very light or have very defined shapes such as boxes and cylinders. tongs, we show that it is possible to do this too with a wide variety of items, for example wine bottles for broccoli, grapes and eggs", Says Daniela Rus, a professor at MIT responsible for this work.

The mechanical arm is capable of lifting objects up to 12 kilograms (Image: MIT CSAIL).
The mechanical arm is capable of lifting objects up to 12 kilograms (Image: MIT CSAIL).

What is the relevance of this advance? Whereas, in the field of robotics, PLCs are rushing so that PLCs can collaborate on tasks inside factories and storage spaces, sufficient potential for use in badembly lines or the handling of products of various shapes and especially requiring delicate processing.

In addition, according to Rus, one of the fundamental variables is the use of inexpensive materials.

"This makes it accessible to many users and small businesses, and it can be maintained, repaired or replaced more easily in case of breakage. low cost he allows us customize it for different purposes. Not only for use in factories, but also in warehouses and even in homes, "concludes the MIT expert.


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