"We must redefine the role of the dollar, it has become an instrument of pressure"


The Russian president, Vladimir PoutineHe stressed the need to "redefine the role of the dollar" because "it has become an instrument of pressure", while emphasizing "the deep relationship" your country has with China has exceeded all expectations. The common challenge is to overcome the actions promoted by the United States to "torpedo" the major economic projects of the two countries.

"It is clear that these profound changes in the financial system require an adaptation of international organizations in order to redefine the role of the dollar which, having been a reserve currency, has become an instrument of pressure of the issuing country on the rest of the world" Putin said.

In a speech delivered at the plenary session of the World Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Putin highlighted the cooperation between Russia and China, which he considered to be a very important factor in ensuring global stability.

"We set ourselves a bar, we reached 100 billion dollars (in exchange dollars) over the last year, we reached 108 million, we exceeded the bar, trade is growing" , did he declare.

Despite this, the two countries face a challenge: US actions against the Nordstream 2 pipeline and the Chinese phone company Huawei, in which Washington defends its interests to the detriment of those of others. -he declares.

Nordstream 2, he said, "does not correspond to the interests of those who, under the existing universalist model, have become accustomed to exclusivity and impunity and that others must pay for their accounts ".

"And as a result, they are trying to torpedo the project," he said, according to the EFE news agency.

The United States openly opposes Nord Stream 2, which will supply Russian gas to Germany via the Baltic Sea, claiming that Europe would be "totally controlled" by Russia.

Putin compared this dispute with the one that Washington opened with the Huawei company, "that they are not only trying to harbad, but expel the world market unceremoniously" and that some are already calling it "the first technological war of the digital age ". .

For his part, Chinese President Xi Jinping, guest of honor at the event, argued that under conditions of economic instability, countries should seek to adapt the globalization model and not to destroy the trading system, directly referring to the economic war unleashed against his country. country by the United States.

Xi argued that "the basic principles do not always meet the interests of each country" but "if we talk about benefits for all, we must adhere to this principle to ensure global harmony".

In addition, he pointed out that despite trade tensions with the United States, President Donald Trump was his friend and that neither of the two countries was interested in the "total breakdown" of relations.

"Despite our trade talks, there is a very close relationship between China and the US We have the biggest trade exchange and it is hard to imagine a complete break" between the two countries, said Xi, speaking at the plenary session of the International Economic Forum in San Petersburg.


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