“We need help, if they don’t die and my son is waiting for me”: the plea of ​​the father of one of the Argentines who disappeared in the Caribbean


After the young Argentinian Renzo Spasiano disappear with the others three browsers do 11 days during a trip aboard the I have already ME Guadalupe in the middle of Caribbean Sea, his father Louis made one appeal to the research authorities: “We need help, if they are not going to die and my son is waiting for me ”.

In this sense, the man added in a note with Bugle: “We have no proof You’re welcome. I have traveled with private planes to Nicaragua. I looked for it everywhere, but the Gulf of Mexico is very large. We need to United States help us or hire one business of those who dedicate themselves to seek and save “.

An image of the MOI Guadalupe ship about to leave the Mexican city of Cancun on September 11 to provide humanitarian assistance following the earthquake in Haiti.  (Photo: EFE / Cancun International Rescue Brigade)
An image of the MOI Guadalupe ship about to leave the Mexican city of Cancun on September 11 to provide humanitarian assistance following the earthquake in Haiti. (Photo: EFE / Cancun International Rescue Brigade)
For: EFE Services

In the aforementioned boat, whose trace has been lost, the September 28 when i was coming back to mexico from Haiti where had he led humanitarian aid, they were also the Argentinian Carlos Juárez, the mexican Martin Vega Argaez and Cuban Denis Manuel Fernandez Diaz.

However, Renzo’s father pointed out the work carried out by the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the consulate in Mexico: “They are pressing to the Mexican Navy, because yesterday (for Friday) they wanted to stop the search and give them as missing and ready. The passive search was also ending, because they said the planes had to go to other help ”.

Carlos Eduardo Juárez is the other of the two Argentines who were on the missing yacht returning from Haiti to Mexico.  (Photo: Courtesy of Diario Uno)
Carlos Eduardo Juárez is the other of the two Argentines who were on the missing yacht returning from Haiti to Mexico. (Photo: Courtesy of Diario Uno)

Regarding the latter, the man assured that the Aztec navy “did not really go out to look for them”, because “they were only looking for 200 kilometers around Cozumel ”.

Summing up, Luis Spasiano stressed: “The only thing I know is that I have to look for them, I have to find them and I have to bring them back healthy. I feel that They are fine and i need help, because we no longer have the financial resources to continue with particular research ”.

In the middle of this spectacular stage, the families of the crew of the missing yacht made a presentation to a attorney’s office in Mexico for the disappearance of the four people. ” The floor surprised, because he says that they’ve never had a case like this. They tell us that they will activate all the media. He’s been to court before because we don’t really know what happened. They are missing, the Navy reports nothing, ”Renzo’s father concluded.

Luis Spasiano’s request came the next day Liliana Zagari, mom of Renzo, warned from Mexico that “we do not know whether today or tomorrow Mexico wants to withdraw the research ”.

In turn, last Thursday, those responsible for the search ruled out the hypothesis of a Bengal sighted by a boat in the Holbox Sea area, near the last position of the boat detected by the radars. The Mexican Navy discovered that the pyrotechnic element it was launched by another boat which caught fire in this area.


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