We told the pope that we are concerned about the country's economic situation


The bishop of Rosario, Eduardo Martin, was received Thursday in Rome by Pope Francis, along with 31 other prelates.

This is the first official "ad limina" visit of Argentine bishops to Jorge Bergoglio.

The bishops were received by the pontiff in one of the Vatican halls. The Pope greeted them one by one with a hug and many touched them. It was thus that the meeting began in which there was no protocol, but it was a "nice conversation, a real fraternal meeting," said Martin in a video sent yesterday by Rome before the avalanche of requests received from the national press.

Francisco asked them to talk about what they wanted, to ask questions without problems and even joking by telling them that they could "get their hands on" the pope, he said to The capital.

"He told us that he did not want to give us a speech, but to listen to us, to find out what is worrying us and what is going on in local churches in different parts of the country," he said. Bishop of Rosario.

In this conversation, the prelates expressed the discomfort that prevails in the country in the face of the economic situation and the uncertainty of what can happen. "We are talking to him about the lack of work and the poor," said Msgr. Martín.

At the same time, there was clearly a concern for young people and the situation that many Argentines are facing in the face of addictions. "We talked about the problems caused by addiction," said the bishop.

Before these questions, "the Pope has expressed his concern because he is an Argentinian who loves his country," said Martin.

The bishop also said that they had meetings in different "dicasteries" (Vatican ministries) very intense and that they had almost no free time. This is why he apologized for not being able to respond to all requests from reporters.

On his first visit to the bishop of Rome, Martin said that they had also spoken with the pope about "life in seminaries, priests and the mission we have as a family." bishops to be close and how we can help in these difficult times Catholic education and the pontiff encouraged us to a revival in this area, "he said.

"Field Hospital"

"We take lessons and many lines of action to implement in our dioceses," concluded Martin.

At the end of the visit, they all prayed together with the Virgin Mary and the pope gave the blessing to all the participants and extended it to all the dioceses from which they came.

Other prelates who also participated in the meeting said that the commentary on young people had been strongly expressed, because of the latest document written by Francisco, Cristo Vive, on youth culture and the difficulties of young people. evangelization.

The Pope emphasized an expression that he often repeats: "The Church must be a country hospital in the middle of the world, where many injured suffer from lack of work, addictions and poverty."

The prelates said that the pope was doing very well and that they felt "confirmed in the faith and in the pastoral task". The visit ends today with a visit to other dicasteries and, in the coming days, Francisco will receive the second group of Argentine bishops.


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