Weekend Forecast: Saturday from rain and cloudy Sunday – 27/07/2018


For locals wondering when the bad weather of the last days will end, the news of the National Weather Service is not encouraging for the weekend. The drizzle and light rains that have been maintained since Wednesday in the city of Buenos Aires will continue throughout the Saturday, perhaps until Sunday at noon.

Students looking to enjoy the last weekend of the winter holidays to do outdoor activities, they will have to wait until the last hours of the weekend.

In return for so much rain, the cold will not be so intense, since the temperatures will remain between 9 and 14 ° C

The detail of the forecast for the city of Buenos Aires is the next:

Forecast for Saturday, July 28:

Minimum: 11º C. Maximum: 14º C.

Tomorrow: cloudy sky. Chance of mists and fog. Then rains and showers. Slight southeast winds, turning to the west sector.

Evening / night: Cloudy skies. Probability of showers and showers. Light to moderate winds from the southwest

Forecast for Sunday, July 29:

Low: 9º C. High: 14º C.

Tomorrow: Cloudy to partly cloudy. Probability of precipitation. Improve Moderate to steady southwesterly winds, gusty.

Evening / night: Cloudy variable. Regular wind from the southwest, with gusts and diminishing to moderate

For more information on the weather in Buenos Aires and in other cities in Argentina, you can check the climate section of Clarin.com .

you stay at home, you can check the sports diary to watch games on TV.

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