Weights lose more weight than aerobic exercise


A well-planned workout with weight is just as effective.

What's thinner, cardiovascular exercises or weights? The answer is surprising. Although aerobics exercises (cycling, swimming, running or zumba dancing, for example) involve fast and high caloric expenditure, strength training can yield identical results. Or better. Because, according to specialists – who remember that bodybuilding is essential as they get older – they can still be more effective. Bodybuilding is the only "medicine" known to fight against sarcopenia or muscle loss that weakens and may even, from certain ages, become disabling.

The good news for those looking to shed a few pounds is that a well-planned workout with weights can facilitate weight loss as it makes the muscle work intensively, increases the basal metabolism and uses body deposits. That's glycogen and fat, "says Lucas Leal, creator of the slow training method. He adds that "with the weights, work takes you home because the calorie consumption in this type of workout does not end at the end of the effort, but to recover after an intense workout, the muscles still have Oxygen needs and the body continues to burn calories to make it easier.That's why we say that you keep working even when you are at rest. "

This is what is called COPD (excessive oxygen consumption after exercise), also called afterburning effect: after strenuous exercise, your body increases its metabolism for a moment , consumes more energy and burns more fat. And that's what makes some experts say, such as Jordi Notario, DiR's fitness manager, that training with weights allows you to burn more calories and longer.

To get there, you need to know how to work efficiently and plan your training. Lucas Leal is committed to "the HIIT (High Intensity Strength Training) method, the most effective, fast and healthy way to increase muscle strength." The exercises are performed at an extremely slow pace, up to Local depletion of the muscles involved.The exercise program works the whole body, usually with up to ten exercises.

Leal explains that the goal is to "stimulate the different muscle fibers to the maximum in a range of one and a half to three minutes and involve between 5 and 8 slow and controlled repetitions". This involves maximum effort on the muscle in a slow, slow performance, until you notice the burning pain ("without pain, there is no gain", say bodybuilders and although in this case the work is different, its premises are more than valid) which indicates that the limit has been reached. "

Jordi Notario recalls that "muscular work is stigmatized by those who claim that it is useful to gain weight because of the fact that muscle weighs more than fat, but that it is essential in the plans of It should be known that a toning job does not involve a strong increase in the muscles, but that it activates it. "That's why the American College of Sports Medicine emphasizes the ## 147 ##. The importance of combining long-term and moderate-intensity cardiovascular work with muscle exercises to promote fat elimination and increase basal metabolism.


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