What are the 14 routes to which you can travel cheaper | Opening business


The National Administration of Civil Aviation (ANAC) provided for a 56% reduction in the cost of airport security charges on regional flights abroadBy resolution 71/2019. Measurement will come into force on May 10th.

This occurs as a consequence of the extension of the regional flight radius from 300 to 1000 kilometers. Until now, they only paid the reduced fare of $ 4.42 per pbadenger for flights aboard a maximum of 300 kilometers.

According to ANAC, At least 250,000 pbadengers will benefit from 14 routes currently operating at regional level: Buenos Aires-Porto Alegre, Córdoba-Asunción, Córdoba-Punta del Este, Córdoba-Santiago, Mendoza-La Serena, Neuquén-Santiago, Rosario-Punta del Este, The Palomar-Punta del Este, Tucumán-Santiago, Salta-Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Salta-Iquique, Salta-Asunción, Rosario-Porto Alegre and Rosario-Santiago.

Industry sources explained that the value paid for this fare on international flights is $ 10, compared to $ 4.42 for regional flights. Meanwhile, the amount of cabotage is $ 20.

"By expanding the scope of what is considered a" regional flight "of 700 km, new routes are included in this category. the rate increases from $ 10 to $ 4.42, resulting in a savings of $ 5.58 on the final airfare"they detailed.

For example, a Córdoba-Punta del Este section, valued at $ 4505.38 and with a security rate of $ 381, it should be $ 4292.38, with a rate close to $ 169. In this case, the decrease in the final value is approximately $ 213. The example was taken from a February stretch and stolen by a low cost

In addition, the resolution Encourages the opening of 47 new routes requested by nine companies in the last five yearssince there will be a 50% bonus during the first 12 months on regional flights that launch new destinations (the fare will be $ 2.21 per pbadenger on board instead of $ 4.42).

The goal is to encourage regional traffic and connectivity between provinces and abroad. "We have extended the range of kilometers for the payment of the rate of regional flights, with which there will be many more destinations and airports where Argentineans travel, which will pay a rate of 56% cheaper," have they ensured to the ANAC.

"The connection with Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay will strengthen. We continue with the process of expanding aeronautical activityand we are promoting both the growth of the airlines already operating in the country and the incorporation of new companies into the market that connect Argentina to the world, "the statement released by the entity said.

"Cabotage has become strong. We must take steps to reduce the costs of regional flights and develop more roads linking the provinces to neighboring countries, "said the agency's chief, Tomás Insausti.

For his part, Estuardo Ortiz, CEO of JetSmart Airlines, said: "This is another important step to make air travel cheaper for Argentines. This state resolution offers equal opportunities to all airlines. Our experience has shown us how this type of measure works in Chile and in other parts of the world, democratizing people's access ".


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