What are the authorized flights of each airline for the first week of August


The government has cleared new flights for the first days of August, amid severe entry restrictions into the country in an attempt to contain the arrival of the Delta variant of coronavirus. The authorizations were granted by the National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC), which gave the green light to international flights of airlines.

Currently, the DNU of restrictions establishes that from July 24, they will be able to enter 7000 people per week by Ezeiza international airport. The passenger quota which for the moment will rule until August 6 causes thousands of stranded abroad and was increasing. Initially, it was limited to 5,200 passengers who could enter between July 10 and July 16, then it increased to 6,300 and finally it rose to 700 more.

Among the authorized flights are those of the national airline Argentinian airlines. It allowed flights from Ezeiza to Miami on July 28 and 29 at 11:30 p.m., August 30 also at 11:30 p.m., August 2, 4, 6 and 7. From this American city to Buenos Aires, there will be flights on the 29th. , July 30 and 31 and August 3, 5, 6 and 7.

Ezeiza’s flights to New York will be on the 2nd and 7th of next month and back on July 28 and August 4. While trips to Madrid are scheduled for July 28 and 31 and August 4 and from the Spanish capital to Buenos Aires on July 30 and August 2 and 6.

From Aeroparque, trips to Asunción del Paraguay are scheduled for July 29 and August 5, with the same dates for trips to the neighboring country. From this terminal there will be departures to Lima, Peru on July 29 and August 5 and in the opposite direction on July 30 and August 6. Flights from Ezeiza to Bogotá, Colombia will take place on July 30 and August 4, and reverse flights on July 31 and August 5.

Air France

As for Air France the company has flights scheduled until August 8. From Paris to Buenos Aires on August 1 with a ceiling of 160 passengers, and from the international terminal to the capital of France on the 2, 5 and 7 of next month.


KLM authorized an Amsterdam-Buenos Aires flight for August 3, with a limit of 160 passengers. The trips to the capital of Holland will be for days 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 August.


While a LATAM Airlines They allowed flights to and from Lima for August 7, with a cap of 130 passengers for an arrival in Argentina.

Turkish airlines

Turkish airlines has an authorized trip from Buenos Aires to Istanbul, Turkey, without traffic rights between Argentina and Brazil. In addition to another in the opposite direction with a passenger limit, both for August 3.


In the case of Lufthansa They approved trips for July 28 and August 4 from Frankfurt to Buenos Aires. Trips to Germany are planned for July 31 and August 7.


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