What are the main contradictions and unknowns of the case of Alessio?


The case began with the extortion of spy and fake lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio and transferred to an alleged parastatal intelligence agency. This is undoubtedly one of the main scandals of 2019 and, because of the dynamics of each week and the main suspects, the question will remain delicate until justice rules. However, during the development of the case and a series of contradictions and unknowns that defeat the protagonists of the cause.

1. The link Santoro – D & # 39; Alessio. Journalist of the newspaper Bugle, Daniel Santoro, The mistake of using a journalistic source is attributed to whoever was (at least) an extortionist. He even apologized to his program partners Animals in bulk for having given information about them, in apparently informal conversations, with whom he is currently in treatment and detention on remand. The previous complaints this weighed on D'Alessio to sow doubt on the link with the journalist.

Daniel Santoro: "I apologized to Fantino and Manguel"

The fake lawyer had already received a extortion complaint by the former customs broker Gabriel Traficante, Who accused her in 2016 of asking for money in exchange for not having participated in the scandal of Container smuggling. In the same complaint, Traficante denounced the fact that D'Alessio would also have mentioned Santoro as someone with whom he had a "close connection" and who could publicly defame him in the newspaper. On March 6, the judge tried Alessio for the same cause. Luis Rodríguez, who ordered to investigate the role of the journalist of Clarin.

Given this, the contradiction that he has linked to PROFILE the businessman's lawyer denouncing Pedro Etchebest, Natalia Salvo, is "how Santoro could meet in 2018 to eat, have phone conversations, introduce him to Stornelli and take Animals in bulk as a "drug expert" of someone who had already been reported for extorting on his behalf? "Publicly, Santoro admitted to having committed all these actions with D & # 39; Alessio.

They find information on the cause of the notebooks in the cell phone of D & # 39; Alessio

2. Has Alessio been introduced as an agent of the DEA? The same day as the journalist Horacio Verbitsky posted on your portal Rocket to the moon the explosive denunciation against the false attorney implicating the prosecutor in charge of the case of corruption notebook, Carlos Stornelli, the judicial officer himself attended the chain TN. In the program Nicolás Wiñazki and Luciana GeunaStornelli said that Daniel Santoro had introduced him to Dr. Alessio as a collaborator of an agency of the DEA (Drug Control Administration of the United States).

The prosecutor confirmed his statements a day later before Eduardo Feinmann in the cbad A24: "The journalist Daniel Santoro introduced me and said that he wanted to introduce me to this person who had … I do not know if he told me that he was working for the DEA or for an agency of the American Embbady. "

However, before leaving Animals Loose, Santoro ensures live: "I've never said that outside of the DEA, and I did not believe it was from the DEA, no DEA agent was introduced saying that it's an agent of the DEA ".

3. The link Stornelli – D & # 39; Alessio. The prosecutor said he met the inorganic spy "four or five times" because he had badured her that he had information to communicate to him about the cause of the notebooks and the way to the money. The question of the lawyer Except Santoro is repeated for Stornelli: "How does a prosecutor agree to meet a person reported for extortion? How is it that D'Alessio drove his truck to Pinamar, held a four-hour meeting and had discussions accredited by the expertise where Stornelli asked for "merca" or information about cases handled in his office. "

Daniel Santoro in 20 sentences about D & # 39; Alessio, Carrió, Stornelli and Fantino

4. The identity of Pedro Etchebest Rodríguez. At first, the complainant was only known as an agricultural contractor who reported extortion. However, a recent interview conducted at The nation sowed doubts about him. In this report, Etchebest revealed that it was sharing offices in Puerto Madero between 2014 and 2016 with former commissioners and suspected intelligence officers. Ricardo Bogoliuk and Anibal Degastaldi, who ordered the extortion of D'Alessio according to the spy himself.

Business man Juan Manuel Ducler -Child of Aldo, the financial adviser of the Kirchners who died in 2017, recognized him on a photo published on Twitter by the journalist Infobae, Andrés Ballesteros. Had not he seen this face again? He wondered when Ducler saw it. Pedro Etchebest or Pedro Rodríguez? Farmer or person related to the ex-SIDE who has sold as a "friend" of the United States? I was presented to him in November 2016, just two months after my father's complaint to the CPY for StaCruz funds, "wrote Ducler on his Twitter account on March 11. In the same message, he delighted the US Embbady the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA and the DEA.

Pedro Etchebest or Pedro Rodriguez?

Farmer or ex-side related person who sold himself as a "friend" of the United States?

They introduced me in November 2016. Just two months after my father's complaint to the CPY for StaCruz funds.@EmbajadaEEUUarg @jusgobar @FBI @CIA @DEAHQ https://t.co/THHhspbfap

– Juan Manuel Ducler (@juaniduc) March 11, 2019

Ducler recalled that he had been taken to the meeting to meet people with ties to the US government, who wanted the family to be an informant on the administration of the Santa Cruz funds. It's there that they recommended knowing who would contact the Americans. Such Pedro Rodríguez.

They accuse businessman Pedro Etchebest of being an intelligence officer

In an interview with Ari Lijalad for The destapeEtchebest acknowledged that he sometimes used his second last name because it was easier, it's Rodriguez. For Ducler, "the businessman is an intelligence officer who wanted information."

The agricultural entrepreneur admitted that there had been a meeting, but said that a friend had asked him to help the Ducler to contact US lawyers in order to claim a debt $ 150 million to Citi and that they could not agree on the fees of the company. Ducler's study said that this claim was the last alternative offered when he had noticed that he was refusing to give them information about the funds of Santa Cruz.



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