What are the most unfaithful countries in Latin America?


Although in terms of infidelity, the customs between Latin American countries are similar and the locals deceptive,Argentina is leading the ranking of the most unfaithful countries in the region.

The chart prepared by the social network for infidels Second Love, badyzed the countries in the region with the largest number of people looking for an adventure in the past year, which are those chosen between countries and characteristics of each one.

According to their records, in Latin America, the ranking of infidelities is very equal to. The first positions are held by Argentineans, Chileans and Brazilians, followed by Mexicans, Colombians and Uruguayans.With regard to the activity of women,South Americans have always been the most active:The Argentineans and Uruguayans are at the top of the ranking, although the Chileans are climbing several positions, followed by Colombians and Peruvians.

Here, an badysis of what people in each country are looking for.

  • ArgentinaThe women of the region are the most sought after according to the results of an investigation, which shows them as the most sensual, endowed with a strong personality and an attractive dress style. On the other hand, they are the ones who are most encouraged to contact men from other countries, although they prefer the Argentineans and the Uruguayans. Chileans are the ones who look for them the most.
  • ChileAlthough he is generally perceived as a conservative country, he is about to share the first position with Argentina. Unfaithfulness has increased by 45% and women are leading 61% of adventures outside of their partners.
  • BrazilCasual encounters abound, which is why there are people who have more and more couples.
  • UruguayIt's a pretty active country in the social network compared to the number of inhabitants it has. Uruguayan men are the most sought after by Argentineans.
  • MexicoStatistics show that women over 40 are the most active.

"It is very common for people to build an image of other nationalities on the basis of social myths.Many users tend to think that the outside, so to speak, is different.Want to determine exactly is impossible, but I think it's good to see how they look across different countries, "he said.Matthias Lamouret, Second Love Spokesperson for Latin America.

According to sociological studies conducted around the world,78% of married men and 70% of married women said that they would have an extramarital relationship during their lifetime.


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