What are the preferences of Argentines during a trip?


Excitement and rest, among the main motivations

For most nationalities, the main motivation for traveling is very simple: rest. Not surprisingly, 85% of travelers say that "taking time to relax" is an important motivation for travel. Almost all nationalities consider that it is the main motivation to travel, with the exception of Danes and French. For them, "being able to do what they want" is the main motivation.

However, by comparing the main motivations of different nationalities, it is clear that each country has its own preferences. Argentines are attracted by nostalgia (73% say they travel to "relive moments of the past")while the Chinese and Taiwanese give enough importance to "enjoy a simpler way of life" (respectively 83% and 76%). In contrast, travelers from Japan, Germany and Hong Kong travel to "flee household obligations" (66%, 72% and 80% respectively). Finally, some people think that travel is a matter of social status: in particular, Indonesians (75%), Indians (75%) and Filipinos claim that their travel motivation is "places where my friends did not go. ". .

However, the most controversial topic in the world is adventure tourism: Russian travelers claim that during their holidays "they want to live strong and fun emotions", while the Dutch and Germans place this problem at the end of their stay. list of motivations.

Here is a comparison of Argentine travelers with travelers from the rest of the world:



The destination

In addition to the motivation to travel, the chosen destination may also vary according to nationality. The majority of tourists from all over the world They choose destinations according to categories such as "personal safety" or "cleanliness", but many nationalities give priority to "natural beauty" or "good local cuisine".



Contrary to popular belief, Argentineans do not consider local cuisine to be one of the main factors in choosing a destination. Among our peers in Latin America, Brazilians, Colombians and Mexicans choose her in fourth place.


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